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"What is it am hearing Phana? You have picked up a boy?"

"I have not picked him up, I have chosen him"

"What are you talking about? Is he the reason you are breaking your engagement?"

"Yes. I love him"

"Nonsense!! Play around with him as much as you want, but later get married to Namtarn. If you want you can keep him that time too", his father said satisfactorily, as it was the best answer available.

Phana looked at his father. What was he thinking? Does he love power and money so much that he thinks it's okay to ruin 3 lives for it.

He wondered, what will Namtarn think if she ever got to know what her father in law was saying.

And most of all, he was disappointed on his father. He never expected him to suggest such a thing. It would have been better, if he had said to break up with Arthit and marry Namtarn. Then he would have remained the father he knew and loved.

But who was this?

He somehow felt sad.

His father's idea was ridiculous. He would never do that to Arthit and to Namtarn. And if possible, never let her know about this talk.

He finally spoke," father, whether you like it or not, am never leaving Arthit and am never marrying Namtarn"

Phana then left.


During the dinner, judging by the way Phana was spaced out, Arthit could tell his meeting with father didn't go well. If he could say, Phana even looked sad. What happened.

After dinner, with a I'll be back, Phana left.

Arthit who was doing the dishes that time, hurriedly dropped everything and followed him.

Phana came out of the building and started walking in a particular direction.

Arthit followed him silently. Thinking, that Phana would not know about his presence.

"How many times have I told you, don't walk behind me, walk with me", Phana stopped and waited for him to come, then held his hand. And started walking again.

They walked and walked and walked, until they reached a park.

Phana sat down on a bench and made Arthit sit in front of him and encircled him with his arms. Laying his chin on Arthit's shoulder.

After few moments, Arthit broke the silence,

"What happened?"


"Let me guess, he's asking you to break up with me and go on with the marriage"


" That was expected. Did you think it would be easy?"

"No.....but be ready to meet my father. He'll call you one of these days"

"Don't worry am strong and am prepared"

"Promise me..."


"Promise me that you won't agree to whatever he says. And promise me, you'll never leave me no matter what"

"Do I have to spell it out? Isn't that a given?"

"Please Arthit, it's important"

"Ok...I promise"

"Good", and Phana gave a quick peck on Arthit's cheeks.



"We are outside!!"

"So? There's no one here. If you want, we can continue here and no one will even notice"

"What continue!! We should head back", Arthit got up and started walking.


"Arthit", Phana followed him.


Smack. A kiss landed on his lips. Arthit glared at him and continued walking.


"Not falling again"

"Oh no!!", Phana panicked.

Arthit turned towards him worried,

"What happened!!"

Smack. Another kiss.

" I didn't do it properly earlier".

Phana recieved a soft punch for that.

"Omg!! Look!!!"

"Not listening"

" No...you must!!"

Arthit sighed, "what is it now?"


"Where? What?"

"Here. A flying kiss", Phana grabbed his face and smooched him.


"Arthit", Phana called him softly.


"I love you"

This time, Arthit pulled him for a kiss, "love you too"

Needless to say, on their way back home, Phana tricked him many more times. And Arthit let himself be tricked equal times.

And unknown to them, a plan was being hatched against them, right in their home, and by the people most trusted.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now