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If Phana was surprised, he showed no such thing. With a,"I'll be back", he went inside his room.

He carefully tucked Arthit in the bed, whispered goodnight and went out, closing the door behind him.

He was glad that Arthit was asleep. He wouldn't be able to witness anything harsh or nasty, if it happened.

He went and sat in front of his father. He was tired. He wanted this to get over quickly, so that he could go to sleep with Arthit.

Phana looked at his father, then at Namtarn, wondering what could be the reason for their visit, and waited for his father to say something.

His father, if he was surprised with Arthit's presence, he didn't said anything, instead, what he said made Phana wide awake,

"I heard, that you are breaking the engagement after a month"

He looked at Namtarn who kept a poker faced. If not for her, there was no one else knowing about it.

Phana clenched his teeth,

"Yes father"


"We both talked and agreed that we are not happy with this arrangement", Phana said and glanced at Nam.

"Is it? But nam said otherwise"

Phana's head snapped to his father.


"She said that you want to break the engagement and forcing her to do so"

"Is that so", Phana felt betrayed. Even though they were not best of friends, but he had trusted her. He was wrong.

"Yes. That's why, from today onwards, she'll be living with you so that you two could be closer and you change your mind"

"What!! That's impossible!!", Phana raised his voice for the first time.

"Careful Phana, you don't want everybody to wake up do you?", Nam mocked. And Phana knew exactly what she meant by everybody. She was talking about Arthit.

" No father"

"Do you really think you can refuse? My decision is final", with that, his father got up and left, with Namtarn following.

She closed the door and came back.

And for the first time Phana noticed a huge suitcase in the room.

Without saying anything, she marched into the guest room. He sighed and followed her with the suitcase.

When he was getting out of the room, he looked at Namtarn and finally asked,


"Dear Phana, if I can't have him. You can't have him too", she said and shut the door.

Phana felt a flash of rage, then it went away as quickly too. He can't blame her. In a way, he was the one who came in the picture and between them. Either way he wasn't marrying her. But if he had never met Arthit, nam and him would be together right now.

But the thought of Arthit with Nam or anyone else for that matter, made him feel nauseous.

No, he can't allow that. If that made him a bad guy, then so bet it. Besides, isn't it said, that everything's fair in war and love.

War it is then.

Phana went inside his room and his heart immediately melted at the sight of Arthit.

He was sprawled on the bed, with the blanket thrown on the ground.

Phana picked it up and placed it on Arthit again. He quickly freshened up and went into the bed.

He pulled Arthit closer to himself and hugged him tightly, then burying his nose on Arthit's neck, inhaled deeply.

Come what may, he's never letting Arthit go. With those thoughts in mind, he went off to sleep.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now