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Next day saw Arthit showing Phana around his kitchen garden. It was not big but not very small too.

He showed Phana how to pull out carrots. And he was sure that phana would break it. Arthit had then planned to make fun of him. That way, he'll discover one thing in which Phana was not good at.

But to his utter disappointment, Phana pulled out the Carrot neatly and in one piece, without breaking it.

Arthit decided it to be a fluke, and challenged him to pull out ten more with him to see who could do it better.

Unexpectedly, it was Phana who won. He smirked in victory. Arthit pouted and went away.
Phana went to keep the carrots back at home.

"Where is oon?", Arthit's mother asked.

"I don't know Mae, he suddenly ran away. I'll go search for him"

She smiled," if you turn left and walk for a while after getting out, there's a huge tree. You'll find him there"

"Ok, Mae. Thank you", Phana smiled and went in search of Arthit.

And found him exactly where she told him. He was sitting on one of the branches.





"Come down, I want to give you something"

"I don't want it, go away"

"Ok, then i'll give it to Marie", saying that, he turned around.

"WAIT!!", Arthit shouted and in his haste to get down, slipped.

But Phana , who hadn't moved a step, and had just turned away, quickly came forward to catch him.

And Arthit fell neatly on his outstretched arms.

They gazed at each other for a moment, and the red colour started creeping up Arthit's neck, he stuttered,

"Wh....what did you wanted to give me?"


And Phana kissed him.


Currently, they were outside and drying the laundry.

Because Arthit was home, he had offered to wash a lot of clothes and dry them. So there was everything- bedsheets, tablecloths, curtains.

"I bet this is your first time doing the  laundry"

"It is....but it's fun"

"It is?"

"Yes...so much that certain scenarios already played in my mind"

Arthit chuckled," what scenarios?"

" I liked everything here. Your parents, your house, your village, your vegetable garden. So, if ever, we are bored of the city, we'll come settle here. I could open a small clinic here. And you could find a work here too. Then together we can look after your parents, your house, your garden. And do cooking and cleaning and laundry together. Doesn't it sound perfect?", Phana sighed dreamily.

"It does", Arthit smiled dreamily too.

"Then everyday, I would come home and hug you from back like this", Phana said and hugged Arthit, dropping kisses on his neck.

Arthit giggled," stop it!!, My mother could see everything from the kitchen window!!"

"Oh, is it?"

Phana stepped back.

Arthit turned back and smiled mischievously, " but she couldn't, if we stand here", and pulled Phana behind a big curtain they had dried.


The lunch was very lively. Arthit was talking with his parents animatedly.
Phana looked on fondly, it was the first time he had seen Arthit this happy and talkative.

He also saw the smiles on wrinkled faces of Arthit's lovely parents.

If he get to see this everyday, he wouldn't mind settling down here.

This little imagination of Phana was becoming his dream with every passing minute he spent there.


Arthit was moping on his way back to the city. And Phana thought he looked just like a kid.

He laid Arthit's head on his shoulder.


And Arthit promptly dozed off.

Then he took Arthit's hand and started caressing it. It was becoming a favourite thing for Phana.

Spending time with Arthit was becoming a favourite thing for Phana.
No, correction. It had already become the favourite thing of Phana.

If not more, he loved being with Arthit as much as he loved his work.

He sighed, right now, everything felt so perfect. He had a job, a home and he had Arthit.

He gave a quick kiss on Arthit's head.

Needless to say, it was Phana's home they were headed to after reaching. And needless to say, Arthit was again sleeping inside the cab. His head on Phana's shoulder.

When they reached, Phana woke Arthit up who cutely rubbed his eyes and demanded,

"Carry me Phana"

Now, who was Phana to decline it. His darling Arthit had demanded it, not to mention looking so cute too.

So, as gently as he could, he lifted Arthit in a piggy back ride and carried him upstairs to his flat.

When he went Inside, he was met with a surprise.

Because in his living room, Namtarn and his father were waiting for him.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now