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"P'Nam!", Arthit looked troubled. He glanced at Phana, then back at Nam. And when his eyes did land on her, it refused to leave.

They kept on looking, as if silently communicating with each other.

Phana frowned, then cleared his throat to break the spell, but failed.

Irritated, he grabbed Arthit's wrist and pulled him inside.

"We need to talk"

After getting inside, when he turned around, he was surprised to find Namtarn standing behind him. He quickly withdrew when he saw Arthit frowning at the door.

Later they were sitting in the living room. With Phana and Namtarn sitting on one couch and Arthit sitting opposite to them.

And Arthit was feeling annoyed and irritated. He couldn't believe, he was still not over Namtarn.

Even though, there was nothing wrong with then sitting together, even though, they were engaged, Arthit couldn't help feel bitter as he glared at Phana.

An awkward silence prevailed the room.

"So Phana, is he the person you like?"

Arthit eyes widened, seriously?? How come he never realised!!

"Yes", Phana answered calmly and looked at Arthit.

Arthit, in turn felt shy and ducked his head. He was so not ready for this information.

"And I believe, he is that person too, whom you like?", Asked Phana.

Arthit head snapped up at that, and he looked at Namtarn.

Namtarn looked back and answered,"yes"

Arthit blushed and his heart jolted. She likes him back!!

But then his eyes landed in their rings.

"But..you guys are engaged to each other!!"

"Yes we are"

"But we'll break up after a month"

"What!! Why??"

"I think we have already stated our reason"

This is insane. Arthit had never felt like this. There is one person he likes and another person whose heart he dare not break. He felt like his mind would explode.

He stood up abruptly," I'll go home"

"I'll drop you", said nam quickly getting up.

Arthit tensed. No, he was still not ready. But how can he refuse her.

"Nam, it's late,you return home. I'll drop Arthit", Phana said and headed out, with them followed.

No matter how much time passes, Arthit still felt shy as he bade nam goodbye. Smiling, he saw her car leave.

"Get in", Phana ordered coldly.

The car ride was silent. When they reached Arthit's home, Phana asked,

"Do you still like her?"

" I don't know. Maybe", he said and glanced at Phana. And regretted the moment he said it.

A flicker of pain passed through Phana's face and disappeared just as quickly,

"I see"

With those words he left Arthit, who himself was having some unsettling feelings.


When Arthit came out of the college, Phana's car was already waiting for him.

He was still nervous about the previous night's incident, so hesitantly he got inside, but his heart gave a pang of disappointment when he found the driver there.

The car dropped him to the mall and went away.

Another surprise was waiting for him here when Nam approached him as soon as he started working.


"P'Nam", he smiled, but the giddy feeling was absent.

"After work, let's go somewhere!!"

"Ok", he agreed. He should be thrilled, but he wasn't.

The whole week passed by the same way. Phana's car fetching him. Going to the mall, going on dates with P'Nam after work. Everything was going good. Except one thing.

Phana didn't showed his face the whole week, neither did he contacted Arthit.

What's he doing? Is he very busy? Was he sick? Was he.....ignoring him?

" Oon.....oon"

Arthit snapped out of his thoughts. Many times this week, his thoughts have drifted back to Phana.

"Yes, P'nam?"

" Do you want to go watch a movie later?"


He's with nam right now, so he should concentrate on her.


Their car stopped at a signal on their way to the movie theatre. Just then, another car stopped beside them.

Arthit casually looked out and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Phana driving it.

He kept staring and waited, for Phana to turn his way.

And he was disappointed when the car zoomed away as the signal turned green, with Phana never turning his way.

Arthit pouted, was he that unnoticeable to a person who claimed to like him.

if  only he saw Phana's death grip on the steering wheel, he would have never doubted.



Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now