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Arthit woke up to the hushed angry voices of a male and female? He sat up and blinked. Looked around. This was Phana's house alright.

He got up and made his way to the kitchen, the source of the voices. He saw Phana and Namtarn?

His brows furrowed, what was she doing here early in the morning? In pyjamas?

And hold on. Why are they standing so close.

Because currently, Phana and Namtarn were standing face to face.
Namtarn with her hands folded on her chest and Phana with his hands in his pockets. Both glaring at each other. As if challenging who would look away first.

Arthit didn't liked their closeness at all.

He coughed.

Both of them looked away at the same time.

"Good morning oon", Namtarn smiled.

"I was coming to wake you up", Phana added.

"Good morning P'Nam", and glanced at Phana.

What's with this tense atmosphere?

"Come oon. I have cooked breakfast for you"

"Oh...ok", Arthit sat down.

Phana quietly exited the room

What's with him? Arthit wondered and he so wanted to ask about nam's presence here. But he didn't knew how to without offending her.

Thoughtfully, he was stirring round his soup when Namtarn spoke up, as if reading his mind,

"I'll be staying here for a while, Phana's dad's orders"

"Oh", Arthit didn't knew how to respond. Just what is this situation?

Few minutes after, Phana came out, freshly showered and ready to start his day. And took a seat beside him.
Arthit's mouth salivated and he gulped. If not for Nam, he would surely have given a morning kiss to Phana.

He didn't knew he was staring until Phana interrupted,

"Go get ready fast, we don't have all day"

"Oh!! Yes!! ", Arthit hurriedly got up. He almost forgot that it was Monday. With one last glance at Phana and Namtarn, he went Inside.

When he came out, Phana was already waiting for him at the sofa and Namtarn was nowhere in sight.


"She's getting ready"

Together they went out and Phana drove him to college. When they reached, Phana stopped him as he was getting out.

"About Nam. My dad ordered her to stay at my flat. I hope you understand"

"I do, don't worry", he didn't understand at all.



"You are forgetting something"

"Huh? What?"

"This", and he pecked Arthit's cheeks.

"Bye", smiling, Arthit got off.

Maybe he was just being paranoid.


It was 10 pm and Arthit was tossing and turning on his bed. He couldn't sleep.

After college, Phana's car had come to pick him and drop him at work.

At the mall, P'nam had waved and smiled like usual. And even chatted a bit.

Everything was normal, so why was he getting this unsettling feeling at the pit of his stomach.

He closed his eyes and tried sleeping again. He couldn't.

11pm. He started counting sheep. He reached 5000, but was still wide awake.

He checked the time 1am.

Maybe warm milk will help. He got himself a glass and drank it. Went back to bed. Closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. He relaxed a bit, but still no sleep.

He opened his eyes and checked the time, 2am. Groaning, he got up and finally did something to address this problem of his. Packed his bag, got ready and headed outside.

Quitely, like a thief, he went inside the house and closed the door softly. He's not intruding. Afterall, Phana did said he could come whenever while  giving him the key to his flat.

Directly he went to Phana's room. It was dark except the light from the night lamp.

Placed his bag on the floor, carefully slid inside the blanket beside Phana. Scooted closer, placed his hand around Phana's waist and Enjoyed the warmthness.

And finally feeling settled, went to Dreamland.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now