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Like usual, Phana's car came to fetch him and drop him to the mall. And even though it was the driver who came, there was a slight smile on Arthit's face and a light bounce on his step.

Yesterday was just wonderful. He had never been pampered this much. He had never felt so special. He had never been kissed this much. He had never felt so alive.

Not even with Namtarn.

He had now started seeing how things with Namtarn would have been if they ever happened.

Everything would have been soft and slow and gentle. But with Phana, everything was hard and fast and not so gentle.

Arthit blushed at the recollection of good night kiss he had received from Phana. Phana had embraced him so tightly and had kissed him so thoroughly, that it had sent a shiver down his spine upto his toes.

And he had turned into a puddle.

Imagine getting such life threatening kisses throughout your age.

Arthit admits shamelessly, that he enjoyed it very much and look forward to more of them.

Humming, he completed his work.

On his way out, he saw Namtarn coming towards him.

Oh yes, he needed to clear things up with her. He'll do it today.



"Want to have dinner with me?"

"Sure, and P'Nam..."


" I need to tell you something"

"Hmm...ok", she frowned a little but recovered quickly.

Arthit was getting inside her car when a hand stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

He turned around to find Phana standing behind him.

"Pha. What are you doing here?", Asked Namtarn.

Internally, Arthit grimaced a little at that. He had yet to call Phana that. But then realized, she is his fiance, so she has every right to do so. And his face dropped a little.

" I came to get Arthit"

"Too bad he's going with me"

"No", Phana said and pulled Arthit towards himself.

Arthit pulled his hand back and said," sorry, but I am going with her"

Phana looked dejected a little, and afraid too, but was soon replaced with a kind of determination.

"Ok, am coming too", Phana declared.

"Hey!! You can't!!", Arthit exclaimed.

Phana frowned," why not??"

Namtarn who had been quite for a while said," it's fine, he can come."

Arthit looked at her confused," why?"

"After all he's my fiance", she said raising her eyebrows, and challenging Phana.

Ouch!! That hurt a little.

" Let's go fiance", Phana said back.

That's how they found themselves in Phana's car.

With Phana driving, Namtarn sitting beside him and Arthit at the back.

There was this weird tension inside the car.

Phana kept looking at him through the mirror, and Namtarn kept a gentle chatter with him.

"So oon, do you want to watch a movie together again?"

Arthit glanced at Phana. And saw his hands tighten around the steering. They had not watched a movie together. For the matter of fact, they had yet to do so many things together.
And judging by the look on Phana's face, Arthit could tell that he would want to do all the things which he had done with Namtarn and outdo it too.

"Err..  sure"

He saw Phana's jaw clench.

Thankfully, they reached the restaurant soon. Arthit was afraid to upset Phana even more.

They ordered the food and waited.

And Arthit, wasting no time, said right off the bat,

"Am sorry P'Nam, but I think I like Phana"

Before she could reply, Phana interrupted, " you think?"

And before Arthit could reply, Namtarn interrupted," I know"

Both eyes snapped at her.

" Women's sixth sense. I knew it from the time at Phana's flat itself. But I thought it doesn't hurt, right, to try, and make you like me back again", she sighed, "atleast you rejected me cleanly"

Now Arthit was feeling bad and awkward. He was supposed to have dinner with a girl he just rejected.

When their food arrived, Namtarn ordered a big bottle of wine.

And she was gulping it down at just that rate. When it was evident she had become tipsy, Arthit thought of stopping her.


But just as soon, Phana's hand held her wrist and stopped her from drinking further.

Arthit's eyes twitched at that.

"Come on, Pha!! I was rejected. I deserve to get drunk right now."

Phana sighed," ok just one more glass"

But when it looked like she had no mind of stopping. Phana grabbed the bottle, and began filling his glass. He emptied it and refilled it. And finished the bottle at an alarming rate before Namtarn could grab another glass.

Arthit was watching this whole ordeal, with only one thing on his mind,what the hell!!


Currently, Phana was giving Namtarn a piggy back ride and walking towards his car, with Arthit following.

He carefully laid her on the back seat and closed the door.

And they made their way towards Namtarn's home.

When they reached her apartment, Phana again carried her inside the apartment and tucked her in the bed.

He caressed her hair, then bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Am sorry Namtarn"

All the while with Arthit watching. He was feeling so confused. He didn't liked it when Phana took care of her, but at the same time, she was his friend too. He wouldn't want no one taking care of her. Surely he could do it too, right? Why Phana?

"Water", she whispered.

Arthit was quick in action and quickly handed her a glass of water.

She sat up," oon"


"Can you kiss me?"


"On the cheek, one last time?"

Arthit agreed. It was only on the cheek right. But all the same, he was afraid of looking at Phana right now.

He bent down to kiss her. But at the exact moment, she turned her head and it landed on her lips.

Phana forcefully yanked him back.

"Thank you", she smiled mischievously and went back to sleep.

The car ride back was silent and tense. And when they reached Arthit's room, Phana followed him.

Arthit started fearing with the pensive look on Phana's face.

As soon as they were inside, Phana slammed him on the wall and ravaged him.

And in a second, Arthit forgot about Namtarn's episode.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now