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Arthit's eyes twitched as he saw the domestic scene in front of him. Phana and Namtarn both working around the kitchen together.

Arthit's heart hurt a bit, because they looked perfect.

Which according to him, Phana will never, with him.

He sighed.

As if on cue, both of them turned back together,

"Come sit"

"Come sit"

And when Arthit did sit down, both of them placed a plate in front of him.

"Eat this"

"Eat this"

That was one awkward situation for Arthit. One he couldn't reject and another he dared not reject.

Feeling both pair of eyes upon him. He ate both of them alternately and declared both of them delicious.

And because both of them stood watching him, started eating both of them. But to be honest, he wanted to eat the one made by phana. For some reason, he found that tastier.

As if reading his mind, Phana took the one made by Namtarn and started eating it.

"No need to eat this one", he declared.

He watched as Phana's expression changed from annoyed to that of enjoyment.

Now Arthit felt annoyed. Was her cooking that good? He pouted.

He then looked at Namtarn. She looked surprised. But seeing Phana enjoying her food, smiled and settled down with her own breakfast.

Just you see phana, I'll make you a very unforgettable dinner tonight.

With that thought in mind, he continued his morning.


As evening arrived, he was the first one to come back home. He had planned this dinner throughout the day and even bought ingredients while returning.

He quickly changed his clothes and quickly set to the task.

He started cooking with great affection and excitement to see Phana's content face after eating it.

And As the clock struck 8:30, both of them returned.

And Arthit asked them to freshen up first to have dinner.

But what Phana said afterwards broke his heart.

He and Nam were supposed to go to the family dinner together.

Huh? But what about the dinner he made? Why today? Why now?

And even though he felt like crying, Arthit pretended to be fine.

When they got ready and were leaving, Arthit noticed again, how perfect they looked together.

And just like that seeds of doubt  got planted inside him.

Phana and Nam kept glancing at him as they left.

As the door closed, Arthit sat down dejected. For some reason, he felt forlorn and abandoned. Looking on their faces, he could tell that they were very reluctant to leave.

Now, he didn't feel like eating too.

He laid his head on the table and closed his eyes. Wishing, Phana would just come back and eat with him. Wishing, that Nam didn't looked so perfect with him. Wishing, a perfect world for them to exist, where they can be together, unhindered.

He felt a soft caress on his head and heard Phana calling him. He opened his eyes and saw Phana standing beside him.

Wasn't he at the dinner with Namtarn. He must be dreaming.

Arthit closed his eyes again.

"Wake up already. Am very hungry"

Arthit opened his eyes and sat up.

Saw Phana sitting beside him.

Rubbed his eyes and saw again.Phana was still there.

He extended his hand and touched him.

"You really are here. What time is it? Is it already very late?"

" Yes am here and it's 9:30 pm right now"

Huh? Arthit checked his watch. It was 9:30.

"How come you are here? Did you even go?"

"I did. Showed my face and came back"


Phana made a face, "you sure do worry a lot about her"

" It's not like that!!What about you. You sure did enjoyed the breakfast made by her!!"

Phana's eyes widened and he smiled mischievously," don't tell me you were jealous and wanted to re-establish your place in my heart?"

"So what if I was?? Isn't it said that the  way to a man's heart is through his stomach!", Arthit said upset, and got up to leave.


Arthit stopped on his tracks.

"Sit down"

Still pouting he sat down.

"Not there, here", Phana said and pulled him on his lap.



"Let me go!!"

But Phana tightened his hands around him," Arthit", he said calmly.

And Arthit immediately calmed down.

" You don't have to worry about Nam. And you don't have to compete with Anyone either. You are the closest person to me. And if I had it my way, I will pull you closer and closer, until we become one and inseperable."


"And Arthit"


"Thank you for coming back to me, even if that was at 3am. Thank you for missing me so much. Love me more and more"


Phana then rubbed his nose on Arthit's neck.

"Feed me"

Arthit then obediently fed him.


"Just good?"

"Yeah...cause nothing could taste better than you".



Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now