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Arthit's half conscious mind quickly became alert as his eyes landed on Phana.

It was 6 in the morning, and that doctor had the audacity to look this good when Arthit's sure, he himself must be looking, unpleasant.

But still, Arthit checked him out. Phana was wearing casual clothes, jeans and a t-shirt. Very different from his usual attire.

When his eyes finally reached his face, Arthit noticed a small tilt on Phana's lips and he's sure, Phana was laughing at him behind those shades.

"Good morning Arthit"


"You know, we still can cancel this plan and spend the day in your room or mine, on the bed"

"You!!YOU!! why would I do that!! We are definitely going, come", Arthit quickly grabbed his bag and stepped outside.

"Allow me", Phana took the keys from Arthit, handed him the pink milk,and locked the door.

Arthit looked on shyly, sipping the drink.

When they were about to descend the stairs, Arthit gave a quick kiss to Phana, muttered good morning, and hurriedly went down.

Half an hour later saw them sitting at the last seat of the bus. They were going to Arthit's village. Phana wanted to star gaze. But Arthit wanted him to meet his parents.

As soon as the the bus started, Phana dozed off on Arthit's shoulder.

Arthit looked at him fondly. How hard must he have worked to get the weekend off. And he's sure, if Phana took off his shades, Arthit could see his tires eyes.

He caressed Phana's hair and after checking their surrounding, gave him multiple kisses.

Then himself dozed off. His last thoughts before sleeping were, what  would have happened, if he had agreed to Phana's earlier plans. Obviously nothing innocent.

And if he was brutally honest with himself, a part of him wanted to stay back.


Arthit had introduced Phana to his parents and they had immediately liked him.

Ofcourse Arthit huffed. People are predisposed to like beautiful people unless they behave badly.

But Phana was a perfect gentleman with impeccable manners. There was nothing to not like about him.

They had reached Arthit's village at a good time, so now he was showing him around the village.

Walking, they reached a river. It was pretty, and the flow was very gentle, so as to not make it dangerous.

And Arthit told Phana that he used to play in this river a lot.

"Arthit!! Is that you?", A girl shrieked from behind.

And when he turned back, he was attacked by a massive hug.

"How are you?", She asked and pulled back. She along with her friends then gave a once over to Phana.

Arthit eyes twitched at that.

"And you must be from the city", Arthit's friend Maria asked Phana.

"Hello, my name is Phana, and am Arthit's fa..."

"Friend", Arthit interrupted.

"Oh is that so? Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Really?? Then can I be your girlfriend?"

"No!! He already has someone he likes", Arthit supplied.

Maria deflated, " oh, you already have a girl you like"

"No, I don't have a girl I like"

"Really?", She perked up again.


"Then can I get your phone number?"

Before Phana could reply, Arthit shouted," look, it's a sea monster!!", and pointed towards the stream.

When all the heads snapped there, he pushed Phana into the water.

"Aww... Phana,what happened?", Maria asked and extended her hand.

"Nothing, he went to the water to look at the monster", Arthit answered.

At that Phana started laughing, it was beautiful.

The girls and Arthit looked on mesmerised.

Then looking at Arthit he said," yes, I spotted a green eyed monster", and pulled him inside too.

On their way back, they took multiple detours, and stopped many times to...to make up with each other.


They both reached back exactly at the time for lunch.

And were in for a surprise, when many boys and girls, all Arthit's friends were waiting for them.

And as soon as they entered, all eyes were on them. Because they both were shirtless.

Half of the people were ogling at Phana and other half at Arthit.

Obviously, Phana noted the Arthit's half and Arthit noted the Phana's half.

So putting his shirt on phana, arthit said," can't you dress up properly!!"

And imitating him, Phana said the same thing.

Arthit's father was chuckling at a corner and his mother called both of them idiots and covered both of them with a towel.

Then told them to change their clothes first.

Needless to say, they took a little extra time to get changed, Because they were busy marking each other again and again.


"No funny business", Arthit warned Phana as soon as they laid down.

"What funny business are you talking about?"

"You know already!!"

"I don't"

"Ughh....forget it, just watch the stars"

Currently Phana and Arthit were laying down on the grass, a little far away from his house and were star gazing.

"Say", Arthit said after some time.


"Were you really gonna give your no to Maria?"

"What do you think?"

"............no. besides, you had already rejected a diva like P'Nam. You are an idiot you know"

"I know"

"Hey!!", Arthit got up and pouted," if you are regretting being with me then you can go away", then turned his back on Phana.

Phana grabbed Arthit's hand and pulled him on top of himself. Then, looking into Arthit's eyes declared.

"I am an idiot, because I want to be your idiot", then proceeded to lock their lips.

Needless to say, Phana didn't allow Arthit to remove from their position, and their night was spent less on star gazing and more on something else.


Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now