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They came out of the building together, and stopped for a moment to bid each other goodbye.

In the morning they got up as it was the most usual thing for Arthit to stay over. They had their breakfast together as if they had been doing it for years.

They took turns showering as if, aware of each other's preference.

Everything felt so normal and domestic, that Arthit started feeling weird.

He wanted to leave soon, so he won't do anything unexpected.

"I should leave now, bye Phana", he said and turned around.

But was stopped by a hand on his wrist.



"Come with me"

Arthit looked back at Phana and tried reading his emotions. But his face showed nothing.

But something told him, he should  stay.

And he did something unexpected again.


Phana's mouth twitched as if to smile. But he turned away and started walking.

Arthit stood there confused, was he supposed to follow?

A little ahead, Phana stopped and turned his head a little to look back.

Ok. He needs to follow.

Phana started walking again when he saw Arthit moving. Soon he caught up with Phana and walked behind him.

Phana stopped again, and pulled Arthit beside him.

"Walk with me, not behind me"

He said and resumed walking, but this time, side by side with Arthit.


People were turning their heads to give a second look to them. Or more like to Phana.

Arthit also turned his head to look at Phana.

He looked dashing.

Dressed in casual, minus the stethoscope, relaxed posture, and a faraway look on his face.

Yes, a faraway. As if he was not here. Arthit scrunched his brows. It was so difficult to read Phana. Whoever marries him gonna have a hard time, he concluded.

He looked ahead and continued walking.

Arthit didn't knew how long were they gonna walk. he just followed Phana's direction, who took a turn now and then.

Where were they going?

Were they going somewhere or Phana was just walking aimlessly?

And he had started to feel tired too.

Just when Arthit was about to say something, Phana said,

"We are here"

Arthit looked around, it was a waffle shop.

Phana went ahead and ordered for both of them. Arthit just sat down.

Few minutes later, Phana came back with their order.

He placed one before Arthit and started eating his waffle.

As soon as Arthit took a bite, he exclaimed in delight,

"Omg!! This is so freaking good!!"

Phana looked pleased and smiled,

"I know"

"Worth all the walking!!"

After they were halfway done, Arthit looked at Phana's waffle. It looked delicious too.

"I wanna taste that too", he said.


Then Phana exchanged their plates.

Arthit blinked. This was not in his mind, he just wanted a bite. But they were friends, so it's okay, right?

Arthit finished Phana's waffle in a jiffy. He sat back. And for the lack of doing anything else, started watching Phana again.

He had been doing this a lot lately.

For a big man, Phana sure took small bites. And his every cut was clean and precise.

Ofcourse, Arthit snorted.

Phana looked up then, and Arthit was caught staring.

Phana raised his eyebrow and smirked. Arthit blushed and looked away.

"Want some", Phana asked extending the fork towards him.


But Phana kept his hand extended.

"Come on, it's aching now"

Arthit sighed and ate the offered food.
And looked up.

And that, was a mistake. And a blessing.

Because Phana's face was so open that time. He was looking at Arthit with so much affection and fondness, that it was hard to not notice.

Arthit's heart gave a loud thud. And that was the moment, when Arthit fell for Phana.


Arthit groaned in frustration when he found himself standing in front of Phana's home again.

He was supposed to go to his own home not Phana's!!

But like an idiot in a daze, he had followed Phana here. Not once realising where they were going.

It's established. His rational thinking fly out of the window when with Phana.

He sighed. He knew Phana will tell him to stay again. And like an obedient dog, he would agree again.

Just what's wrong with him? He seriously needs to sit down and think about it.

Just when he was contemplating these thoughts, he heard a voice which he never believed would hear again.



Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now