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"Wake up Izuku! Your gonna be late for the internship program today" a women with greenish black hair said as she banged on a door with her fist.

A young man grunted as he didn't wanna get out of bed today. Today was just one of those days. But his mom wouldn't let him stay in bed all day like he would hope she would. "Okay, I'm awake" he said as he rubbed his eyes and looked out his window at the streets of Japan. He then stood and opened the window, before sticking his head out to get a breath of fresh air. "Well hurry up and get ready, breakfast is waiting on the table" his mom said. "Okay, thank you" he said back before moving toward his towel to prepare to take a shower.

After he showered and was ready to leave his room, he walked out and toward the dinner table to eat. He pulled up a chair and sat down before eating his breakfast. After eating he set his dishes into the sink. "Do you need a lift to get to the lab?" His mom asked as she came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. "No, not really, I'll be fine mom" he said and gave a gentle smile. She smiled back and walked up to him and embraced him in a hug. "It seems like just yesterday you were playing with toys on your bedroom floor, and now, your already getting an internship, I'm so proud of you Izuku" she said and kissed his forehead. "I love you Mom" Izuku said  before pulling away. "But, I've gotta go now" he said and unlocked the front door to leave. He waved at his mom before leaving and closing the door behind him.

My name is Izuku Midoriya. I live with my mom in an apartment on the bad part of town. Because it was the cheapest place we could afford. And, I'm quirkless. My father died when I was young so that just leaves me and my mom. For the longest time, I've been searching for anything that I can find about my father. But, I've never come up with anything. My mom hid any and all information about him, so all I have to go by is the random things she'd mention about dad. But now, I've found something completely amazing. The place where he used to work. That's where my internship is.  At a place called Nara labs. My father used to work there for a living. From there, I'll find out what exactly happened to my father.
That's why I interned there in the first place. I will find out what's happened to him.

Izuku arrived in front of the huge building with the words 'Nara Labs' and a holegram out front. He nodded before entering the building.

Once he entered a women noticed him and walked over. She seemed to be a foreigner. "Hello, my name is Paige and I'm the head scientist around here, you must be Izuku Midoriya right. Did I pronounce that right?, I'm still trying to get used to the whole Japanese names thing" she said with a smile. Paige was wearing a white dress shirt with a pencil skirt. She was blonde with blue eyes and had on red high heels. She was exceptionally beautiful as well.

She also had a labcaot on over her outfit, with her name tag and her position in the company.

"Yeah, that's how you say it" he said with his forced smile still firmly in place. Paige raised and eyebrow when she saw that the smile was fake. But, she decided not to question him on it. "Well this is Nara Labs, let me give you a proper tour of the place" she said and leaned forward a bit. Exposing a bit of her bust to Izuku without knowing it. Izuku tried his hardest not to freak out.

Paige started walking away and motioned for him to follow. Izuku followed as she explained and pointed at certain things in the room. Once Izuku and her walked past a certain room that had a sign out front that said 'No trespassing. Only authorized personal beyond this point' that room seems important. Bet that's where I'll find my info.

"Hey, don't you think it would be best for me to, socialize with my future colleages" He said and stopped walking. "Yeah I suppose so, go take a look around and socialize with the other scientists. I'll be waiting right here" she said and tilted her head with a smile. Izuku nodded before walking toward a room with other scientists at work.

Gotta get an access card to enter that room.

He thought as he closed the door behind him. "Hey guys, Paige said that I should socialize with you guys a bit, so here I am" he said and smiled an innocent smile.

"So are you the new intern or something?" a man that appeared to be in his middle ages said. "Yeah, that's me" he said as his smile slowly faded. "There's no need to be so harsh Ben" a women said. "Hey, what's your name?" She asked. "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya" he said and smiled once more. "You smile so much that it annoys me, go socialize somewhere else" Ben said and waved Izuku away.

"Don't mind Ben, he's always grumpy" another guy said. "My name is Tanaka" he said and stuck out his hand. Tanaka was a relatively good looking guy, with black hair and eyes. But he seemed to have some sort of burn mark on his hand. Never the less Izuku shook his hand.

"So do you guys work on Nano technology? I've been studying it a bit myself" He said and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Good job, you can read. It said that on the door of the room" Ben said and put on a pair of protective goggles and began to work with some nanites. "Hey, you need any help with anything?" He asked with a nervous expression. "Oh yeah, can you move those box's over there?" Tanaka asked politely. Izuku nodded before picking up the box's and noticing Ben's access card on one of the desks. He picked up the boxes with some difficulty.

"Just move them over there" Tanaka said and pointed toward the door. Izuku nodded and moved two of the seven box's toward the door.

He kept moving boxes until he got to the last one. He picked it up and placed it on the desk over Ben's access card before picking it up as he lifted the box. "Well, I think I should go back to Paige now" Izuku said with a smile. "Okay sure" Tanaka said.

Izuku left the room with a smile. "Smooth Izuku" he said and walked toward Paige. "Hey sorry, but I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly" He said. "It's okay, I need to check something out anyways" Paige said as she tapped away on her tablet screen.

Izuku nodded and walked toward the bathroom that he noticed when he entered. Once he was sure no one was looking, he changed directions and walked over to the room. He swiped Ben's card and entered the room. Once he was inside, he noticed a bank of consoles. He plugged in a device and connected it, wirelessly, to his phone. He nodded when he saw that it said 'files transferring' on his phone screen.

He then exited the room and walked over to Paige. "Hey Paige, I'm actually feeling kinda sick today, can I come back tomorrow" he said as he pretended to be sick. Paige looked at his face, noticing the sweat from lifting the boxes before. "Yeah sure, go for it, I hope you get better" she said with concern evident in her voice.

Izuku nodded and walked out the building. He pulled out his phone and checked and saw a flashing 100%. He nodded before pressing a button on his phone, and the device he plugged into the computer exploded. Breaking into smoking pieces as they hit the floor.

Izuku opened the files on his phone and skimmed through till he found an old report about an old lab with a picture of his father on the cover. "Dad..." He said and got the address of the place before heading there. Once he arrived, he paid the taxi driver the fair and entered the building. It was way out in Kyoto, but luckily that wasn't so far from where he was.

Once he was inside the building, he walked around until he noticed a door that said 'Mr Midoriya' and entered. The room was filled with dust and had old pictures. "Looks like dad knew All Might" he said as he picked up a picture of his dad with the superhero himself. He put down the picture and walked off. He then saw a few pictures of spiders on the wall and DNA sheets. "What were you doing in here dad?" Izuku asked before tripping over a box and crashing through the floor. He coughed a bit as some dust got into his lungs. "A secret *cough* room" he said and looked around. There were more spider drawings and DNA sheets all over the room.

"What's that?" He asked as he noticed a broken tank with Webbing inside it.

"A spider was held in here" he deduced before he felt something bite him on the neck. He slapped it off him and looked at the spider on the floor. It was red, blue and black with black and blue eyes. kinda like All Mights.

The spider crawled away under the tables and left. "What the?" He said as he started to feel woozy. "I don't feel so good" he said before he fell down an all his senses went to black.

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