Changkyun || Jealousy

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[Changkyun's POV]

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[Changkyun's POV]

I always see her in the café, hair covering part of her face. Her fingers always flying over her keyboard, doing work. Once in awhile she tucks her hair behind her ear. She always has earphones in, listening to who knows what.

She is so beautiful. I always see her around campus. She's even in some of my classes. I have no clue if she knows who I am. But I know who she is.

Her name is [Y/N]. She came to Korea from the United States to study at Yonsei University. She's fluent in both English and Korean.

I've always wanted to practice my English with her, but I'm too nervous to talk to her.

"Changkyun-ssi, stop staring at her and talk to her," Minhyuk says out of the side of his mouth.

I jump, as I am startled by his presence.

"Shit, I didn't even realize you were there."

"That's because you're too encapsulated by her pure beauty. I think she's pretty, but I don't imagine myself dating her. Plus, I know you like her. You daydream about her all day and become so starry eyed as you stare at her. You talk about her all of the time as well. I don't mind listening to you. However, everyone else is annoyed. Oops, should have I not said that?" Minhyuk rambles on, as he is a talker.

I get back to work and continue to become engrossed in my thoughts once again.

I've been interested in her for a couple of weeks now. The first time she came into the café I worked at, I internally freaked out. She didn't recognize me, which I was both happy and sad. Happy because I don't know what I would have said. Sad because she didn't recognize me.

She smiled at me the first time, but that's the extent of our interactions. She always talks to Minhyuk. He's very charming, as he is very talkative and friendly. They always share jokes and have lengthy conversations together, as he always brings Yuna her drinks.

I wish I had some sort of charming factor to me.

I see her get up and head to the counter.

"Ah, [Y/N]-ssi. Need a refill?" Minhyuk calls out.

"Ne, oppa~" she smiles.

"You can sit down. Changkyun will bring you your drink, okay?"

I look in horror at Minhyuk.

He smirks and winks at me.

Yuna smiles at me and tucks her hair behind her ear before heading over to her seat.

Minhyuk comes over to me and says, "I'm giving you the opportunity to talk to her. You got this~"

"How could you?! I'm so nervous!"

Minhyuk walks away before I could say anymore.

I finish making her coffee and head to where [Y/N] is sitting.

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