Kihyun || Keys [Part 2]

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Yoo Kihyun: hey sweetheart, I made it home safely ;) if you ever drop your keys again, know that I'll be there to pick them up for you

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Yoo Kihyun: hey sweetheart, I made it home safely ;) if you ever drop your keys again, know that I'll be there to pick them up for you.

You smile at his text, sighing out of relief that Kihyun made it back home alive.

I'm glad you made it home safely. Have a good night.

You put your phone down and head to bed, falling into a deep and  dreamless slumber.

When you wake up in the morning, you find a text message waiting for you.

Yoo Kihyun: sweetheart, are you free this morning? I would like to take you out for breakfast. It only feels right to make sure you're well and alive.

You stare at your phone for a moment before deciding to respond.

I am free. Where were you thinking of going to eat?

Kihyun immediately responds.

Yoo Kihyun: I'll pick you up in 10 minutes.

Aish, I just got up!

You rush to get ready and once the 10 minute mark hits, your doorbell rings.

You rush to the door to find Kihyun leaning against the pole of your porch, arms crossed.

"You look even prettier without makeup sweetheart," he smirks.

You blush, looking down at the ground. You decided to not put on makeup since Kihyun only gave you 10 minutes to get ready.

You then think about how he keeps calling you sweetheart, which makes your heart flutter whenever he says it.

"C'mon [Y/N], we're going to be late."

"Late? For what?"

"Our reservation."

You close the door and lock the door, dropping your keys in the process.

"Aish, princess, you keep dropping your keys! I must be your key prince," Kihyun chuckles.

You blush again, looking down at the ground. Kihyun picks up your keys and takes your hand, placing your keys in your palm.

You then proceed to walk down the steps and head towards Kihyun's car, where he opens the door for you.

The two of you stay silent the whole car ride, but with music quietly playing in the background. You feel nervous, as someone so attractive and kind is taking you out.

Is it a date? It feels like one. Kihyun said he had a reservation, so that must mean it's a date. The fact that it might be a date makes you feel even more nervous.

Once you arrive, you notice you're at a very fancyrestaurant. You feel underdressed, making you feel self concious.

Kihyun smiles at you, and you walk in beside him.

"Ah, Mr. Yoo, right this way," the host takes you guys to a private room in the back.

He's well known here?!

Kihyun pulls out your chair for you before sitting down.

He's such a gentleman.

"What do you like to eat, sunshine?" Kihyun gives you a huge smile.

"Erm, I like omelets," you feel flustered and said whatever came to mind.

"We'll get that," Kihyun shuts his menu and orders for the two of you.

"So, tell me about yourself, [Y/N]."

"Erm," you blush, not knowing what to say.

"We can start easy. How did you become friends with Hyungwon?" Kihyun says softly.

"We have lived on the same street since we were children. On the bus we sat next to each other and were in the same classes growing up. So naturally, we became friends. How do you know Hyungwon?"

"Our parents have been close friends for years now. They met in college. Naturally, we became close as well."

It clicked in your head. Sometimes you would see Hyungwon play with a boy in his yard, and he would tell you he's busy because he has play dates with another friend.

"Oh my gosh, I know who you are. Hyungwon would sometimes tell me he has other play dates with another friend, and I would see you two play in his yard."

Kihyun smirks.

"He's told me all about you actually. He would tell me the same thing, that there was a girl he would play with and was a good friend of his. How he met her on the bus and was in the same classes as him. I've noticed you from afar, [Y/N]."

"Stalker!" You jokingly accuse him while laughing.

He laughs as well.

"Yesterday was a mere coincidence when I ran into you at the mall. But the club was not coincidental. Hyungwon told me he was going with you, and I decided to 'bump' into you two. I made up that lie about meeting with a friend. That girl I was dancing with was some girl who was drunk and asked me to dance, so I obliged. She won't remember me today," he does air quotations when he says the word "bump."

You sit there in shock at the realizations and what Kihyun has to say.

"You're so cute princess, you know that?" Kihyun leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

You avoid his eye contact and look everywhere besides his face.

Soon your food arrives and the conversation flows into other topics, and it becomes more natural.

By the end of the meal, you feel entranced by Kihyun's charms. He continuously makes you laugh.

"So sweetheart, what do you say, do you want to date?"

"Hrm?" You look at him in the eyes.

"Take all of the time you need to think about it."


As you become closer to Kihyun over the next couple of weeks, you start to feel a spark.

"Kihyun," you say one day.

"Ne?" He smiles.

"I-I want to date you."

He throws you a set of keys.

"I've been prepared for this day. Here is your pair of keys to my apartment. Come over any time."

He winks and smirks at you, which you have come accustom to.

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