Shownu || Cheater

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Requested by hyphyJessica18

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Requested by hyphyJessica18

You wait inside the cafe, tapping your fingers on the table. Your leg bounces up and down out of habit.

You have been waiting for 20 minutes now for your boyfriend to meet up with you, as you haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.

He's been busy preparing for his upcoming album with his groupmates, so when he suggested to meet up, you were more than happy.

But the fact that he hasn't kept his promise is irritating you. He promised he would show up on time despite busy schedules. He promised to finally meet up with you.

And the fact that you haven't been able to call or even text you hurts you even more.

You tried to be understanding and give him the benefit of the doubt. But if he truly loved you, he would be better about communication and being prompt.

He used to be early for dates, always showing up at your apartment before you were finished getting ready.

When he couldn't pick you up, you would find him at the destination of the date when you strolled up.

He would make an effort to message you at least once a day.

You let out a sigh before looking at your phone one last time. You see that he's now 30 minutes late.

You messaged Shownu that you were at the cafe but he never responded. You even called him.

You decide to leave and hope for the best, that he'll call you later or something.

When you're about to open to the door to leave, someone pulls the door open. You see that the person is holding hands with the other person. When you look up to see the person's face, you stand in awe to see Shownu. And he's with another woman.

He makes eye contact with you, not moving. The woman looks between you two, confused.


You brush past him in disbelief.

"[Y/N]!" He calls out.

You walk away, not looking back.

You don't get very far when Shownu grabs your shoulder and whips you around.

"Let me explain."

"Actions speak louder than words my friend," you say in an icy tone. "First you stand me up, now you show up to the cafe you were supposed to meet me at with another woman. How could you?! I trusted you! I loved you! Cared about you! I knew something didn't quite add up. You stopped texting me, calling me. I thought you were just busy with work. But I guess I was wrong. We're over with."

You turn on your heel and walk away, even more furious than before.

Shownu stands in awe, letting you go. He feels remorseful for acting like this.

You head to your apartment, where you start searching for a new apartment so Shownu can't find where you are.

When he tries to call you and text you, he is rejected immediately as you blocked him. When he shows up at your apartment, you don't answer the door, pretending to not be at home.

Once you find a new apartment, you manage to move in one day.

You hope your actions indicate how true your feelings are towards Shownu.

You feel incredibly hurt and sad throughout your time without Shownu, but you're glad you have an answer to why he was like this.

Before you head off to your apartment, you write a note to Shownu, where you explain your feelings and say that you're moving, and that he should not try to find you.

Your heart breaks for the thousandth time, but you know this is right.


Q: Favorite song(s) off of 'We Are Here'?

A: Alligator (we love a poppin title track), Stealer, and Play It Cool

I'm so incredibly proud of what we have accomplished within the last day :) we charted and hit over 1M views in a day.

Also, remember when I said I'm a busy college student? Lmao what a joke. Procrastination and leaving everything to the day before is a concept ;)

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