Kihyun || Fight

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Requested by YooTinie

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Requested by YooTinie

"Hey," you softly say while giving Kihyun a backhug.

He unwinds your arms from his waist, walking away.

"Ki, is everything okay?" You follow him to the living room, concern growing.

"I just want to be left alone," Kihyun grumbles, as he continues to walk away from you.

He retreats to your bedroom where he lays down, closing his eyes. You only follow him, as you are concerned about him.

You lay down next to him, rolling to your side and start to play with his hair. He rolls away from you, making you sad.

"I told you I want to be left alone, [Y/N]."

"I want to know what's wrong," you softly say.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Kihyun snaps at you.

You don't respond, just hurt by his outburst.

"I-I don't get to see you that often anymore, so I enjoy your presence. I want to be around you."

"You're lucky I come home. I could be working more on my music and the dances, but I come home instead of staying in the studio until the wee hours of the night."

You become deeply hurt by his words and tone of voice. You don't respond. You instead get up and walk away.

Kihyun just feels the bed dip as you get up, leaving him by himself. He feels empty, just like the room.

He reflects on what he said. He realizes he should have said what he said in a different tone. Maybe even said different words to get the point across.

He comes home when he can because he loves you, and being in your presence makes him happy. Despite the opportunity to stay in the studio and dance room, he makes the choice to come see you.

He misses you every night he can't come home to you.

Kihyun gets up and goes to find you, and he finds you sitting by the window, staring into space.

"Hey love," he calls out quietly.

You don't respond, ignoring him so he knows how he treated you.

"[Y/N]...I love you. You know that, right?"

You just turn your head in his direction, but don't respond still.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. You mean a lot to me. I enjoy coming home to you. I'm just exhausted by the long days recently. Please forgive me."

You get up and wrap your arms around Kihyun, and he immediately hugs you back. You appreciate his apology, knowing that apologies are a sign of care.

You look up into his eyes and smile, Kihyun smiling back before kissing your forehead softly.

"I love you too, Kihyun."


Sorry this imagine is more on the shorter side. I also suck at writing fight imagines so please forgive me.

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