Changkyun || Forever

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Requested by lyny_18

You give yourself one last look in the mirror before heading out.

Earlier in the week, your friend Changkyun asked you on a date, making your nervous and giddy that he asked you out.

You've liked him for a bit, so you're excited to be going out with him.

As you sit on the bus, thinking about your date, you progressively become more nervous. Your palms start to sweat and your heart beats faster. You wonder why you feel this way since you've hung out with him a couple times beforehand.

Maybe because the mood of this is different since you're going on a date.

Once you make it to the restaurant Changkyun told you to meet him at, you find him to be already there, with flowers in hand.

He smiles, making you blush. Everything about this makes you think about how you never thought this would happen to you.

"How are you?"

"Fine, how are you?"

You don't want to let him know how nervous yet happy you are.

"I'm great, let's go in."

He holds the door open for you and helps you with your seat. When you view the menu, you see that everything is expensive, but you don't say anything.

You pick out something you've never tried before but seems delicious.

At first, the two of you make small talk, but it smoothly transitions to a natural conversation that doesn't feel awkward or tense.

By the end, you're smiling and laughing, enjoying yourself.

Changkyun is happy that he's able to make you smile and happy.

When the bill comes, you try to pay for your meal but he insists that he pays. You quietly sigh, giving up.

Changkyun then takes you to a café and buys you coffee and a pastry, where you sit in a sunny area outside, enjoying your treats.

He enjoys watching you, especially when you sip your coffee while staring into space.

Once you're done, the two of you look around in various shops, where he offers to buy you anything you want.

You tell him that you don't really need anything, and that you enjoy just looking around. You also tell him that since he paid for your meal, you would be fine buying whatever you picked out.

At one point, he found some chic sunglasses and tried them on, impressing you. You found it wild that something so small could make you think how much more attractive Changkyun is.

He then found some clothes and proceeded to strut around the store in it.

You were slightly embarrassed, but you found the outfit to look on him.

By the end of the day with Changkyun, you were satisfied and happy with the date.

Changkyun walks you back to your apartment, where you express your enjoyment in the day.

"I had a great time with you," you smile.

"I had a lot of fun as well. I really like you, [Y/N]," Changkyun says softly.

You feel shocked, and you feel like you didn't hear him right.

His heart drops because you're silent. taking it that you took it badly.

"I-I wanted to tell you that I like you because I didn't want to hold it in any longer. I wanted to let you know, and that if you don't like me back-"

"Changkyun," you sigh. "I like you too. You didn't need to go all out though. I would have been happy even if we did something simple. Even if you came over and just confessed."

You smile, Changkyun pleasantly surprised at your reaction.

You give him a hug, Changkyun still shocked a little. He is brought back to reality though and hugs you back, happy that you like him back.


I apologize for the delay in writing your imagine. I apologize for it being on the shorter side as well, but I hope you enjoyed it :)

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