Jooheon || Boss

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"You're not the boss of me!" Jooheon sticks his tongue out at you and runs away.

"Hey! Come back here!" You chase after him, both of you laughing.

After you catch up to him, both of you hunch over, panting.

"One day I'll show you and I'll truly be the boss of you."

Jooheon just smirks at you.



Your heels click against the polished floor. You could see your reflection in the floor because of how clean it is.

You hit the up button on the elevator and enter it. When the elevator doors are about to close, someone yells out and sticks there hands between the doors.

The doors open and you stand face to face with someone that looks vaguely familar.

You brush it off and look back down to your phone, scrolling through your emails.

The man standing besides you gives you a side glance, thinking that he recognizes you as well.

He doesn't think much of it, but it's a thought that sticks to his mind.

Once you make it to your floor, the man gets off as well.

You think it's odd because you're used to seeing your employees get off on your floor.

You head to your office and think about the day's agenda as you have other priorities.

Soon after you get to your office, your assistant knocks on your door and brings you your coffee. She also tells you that the person who you are interviewing for the new position in your office arrived.

You look at your schedule and time and see that the person is 15 minutes early.

You tell her to bring the person in. And the person she brings in is the man that was in the elevator with you.

You stand up and shake his hand.

"Hi, I'm [Y/N], nice to meet you, CEO of the company."

The man's mouth drops open. You look at him quizzically, but also study his face more.

"No way...Jooheon! I knew you looked familiar!"

"And I knew you looked familiar too. And when you said your name and that you're the CEO, I knew it all made sense. I remember when we were kids you jokingly told me that you would be the boss of me sometime, and here we are. You may end up being the boss of me."

You laugh, recalling the memory.

You proceed to interview him for the position. At the end, you ask him how he is and how his family is. The two of you spend an hour catching up like no time has passed.

You then hear a knock on your door, which happens to be your assistant.

"Miss, your meeting is in ten minutes."

"Oh! I have to go now. I'll review your files and let you know about the position by the end of the week. Have a great day!"

You shake his hand once more and show him out.

Once Jooheon left, your assistant whispers, "And who is he?"

"A childhood friend," you smile, thinking about how Jooheon grew into an attractive, mature man.

You interview a few other people for the position as well over the course of the week. You see that they are all great candidates. You don't want to bias Jooheon over the rest of the applicants.

But he stands out to you because of how charismatic he is and that of course, he sticks out.

You ration with yourself that if you hire him, the rest of the applicants won't know because they simply don't know that you know him.

You think back on your childhood, remembering how you were best friends with Jooheon all through elementary and middle school.

He then had to move away the summer before high school. The two of you had a difficult time parting because of your close knit ties.

You tried staying in touch, but it was difficult and you ended up drifting apart. You wondered about him once and awhile, but he soon became a distant memory.

It has been well over 20 years since you last saw him.

You went to college and majored in marketing and business, and God knows what Jooheon did with his life.

And now here you are, a distant joke and memory becoming a reality.

You hit send on the email, informing Jooheon that he got the job. You told him that he starts training on Monday.

When Monday rolls around, you invite Jooheon into your office to have a cup of coffee with you.

You congratulate him on the new job and comment on the memory, how a joke became a reality.

He praises you for becoming so successful. You then tell him that you want to catch up more outside of work, so you set up a time to meet.


Thank you for 2k reads :)

We love a female leader as well :)

And lastly, this may need a part 2 lmao

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