Shownu || Ice Skating

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You slip off your shoes, then put one of your feet into the boot of the ice skate

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You slip off your shoes, then put one of your feet into the boot of the ice skate. You lace up the shoe, then repeat with your other foot.

After tediously making sure the laces were tight, you gave your shoes in at the desk where you got your ice skates.

You make your way towards the exit of the building and open the door. You briefly look at the ice skating rink, taking it in before stepping out and holding on the railing while stepping down the few steps.

You make your way over to the rink, holding onto the side. You carefully make your way around the rink, making sure to hold onto the railing the whole time.

Your friend whizzes by, saying hi in passing.

Your friend ice skates regularly, but this is your first time ice skating in years. She has been inviting you to go ice skating with her for the longest time, but you always declined.

You finally gave in, as this is your last day of break before you go back to college. You decided to give in because you don't see your friend that often anymore.

You weave your way around slower people who are holding onto the wall, surprising yourself when you don't fall on the ground.

Finally you make one lap around the rink. You decide to challenge yourself by not holding onto the railing. You make sure to stay close to it though.

You find yourself to be extremely slow, but you don't mind. There are many people of different levels skating, and you are sure that they are too busy trying not to fall or run into others to notice how slow you're going. Plus, there are people skating with their friends or significant others, so they are distracted by that as well.

Shortly after skating on your own, your shins start to hurt. You adjust to try to hurt yourself less.

You continue to slowly skate around, but eventually you end up falling onto your knees and hands.

"Are you okay?" You hear a voice above you.

You look up to see a tall man looming over you.

He then reaches out his hands to help you up. You accept his help and grab his hands.

"Thank you," you quietly say.

"I've been watching you skate around. You're doing really well, but it looks like you could use some help," he smiles and his eye smile along with his lips.

You notice how plump his lips are and how his eyes disappear when he smiles.

He starts to skate backwards slowly, your hands still grasped in his. The two of you continue to make eye contact, never breaking it.

He smiles once in awhile, and you can't help but blush and smile back at him.

"You have a very pretty smile," he compliments.

"Thank you."

"I'm Shownu by the way. What's your name?"


"That's a pretty name. Almost as pretty as you."

You blush and look down, hair falling over your face.

Shownu releases one of your hands to brush your hair out of your face, startling you and making you fall. Shownu tries to catch you, only to fall in the process as well.

You end up toppling onto him. Your face ends up extremely close to his and you are laying on top of him.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" You profusely apologize and get off of him quickly.

Shownu just gives you a warm smile and gets up before helping you up.

"I'm quite alright. I've fallen plenty of times. I ice skate as a sport. It's the one thing I found to love. I used to come here when I was little and I quickly picked it up. I fell in love with it and begged my parents to put me into lessons. After seeing my passion for it, they let me go to competitions and what not. I almost made it to the Olympics but I got injured."

You just stare at him, not knowing what to say. You find it amazing that he almost made it to the Olympics. You feel honored that he opened up to you, a total stranger.

"You don't have to say anything in response," he smiles.

"Hey [Y/N]! Oh hey Shownu! It's a been awhile! How have you been?" Your friend skates up to you and Shownu.

"I've been great. I've been so busy with college. How do you know [Y/N]?"

"We've been friends since we were kids. [Y/N], Shownu and I took ice skating lessons together and at one point had the same coach! That's how we know each other!"

"What a small world," you say. "Where do you go to college Shownu?"

"Yonsei University."

"No way! That's where I go!" You start to become excited.

"Hey, I can see you around again," Shownu smiles widely.

Your friend leaves you alone with Shownu, winking as she skates away.

You and Shownh chat for awhile longer as he continues to help you skate. You talk about school, your friend, and ice skating.

After awhile, you say that you want to rest and you and Shownu get hot chocolate and sit on benches near the rink.

You look up at the night sky, looking at the stars while sipping your drink. You watch the steam rise out of the hot chocolate and look at your breath against the cold air.

Shownu watches you the whole time, thinking about how pretty, charming, kind, and funny you are. He loves seeing you smile and laugh.

You end up looking at Shownu, only to find him staring at you. You give him a smile, and he smiles back.


[A/N]: I went ice skating with my sorority sisters a few days ago. It was my first time skating in years. I fell a couple times and bruises my knees, but that's okay!

Also, this imagine is loosely based off of my experiences from when I went ice skaing haha

Here is a picture of me from last night :) idk why it's coming out sideways though :/

Here is a picture of me from last night :) idk why it's coming out sideways though :/

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