Minhyuk || My Darling

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Requested by JODSM33

"[Y/N]-ah, [Y/N]-ah," you hear Minhyuk softly call out for you.

You turn over, pulling the covers up higher.

You never understood how Minhyuk could wake up with so much energy in the morning.

All you want is to get up at your own leisure, and not have Minhyuk shower you with energy first thing in the morning.

You love him, but you'd rather wake up on your own will.

"[Y/N], I want to see your beautiful face."

You choose to ignore him.

Minhyuk pouts and gets out of bed, hoping the smell of food will get you out of bed.

He makes scrambled eggs, bacon, and avocado toast, your favorite breakfast foods. He sets out a glass of orange juice as well.

While he puts together your plate, you walk into the kitchen.

When Minhyuk turns around, he's pleasantly surprised by your presence.

"Ah, there's my beautiful sleeping beauty!" He smiles, instantly brightening your mood.

You sit and eat, happy by your meal.

Minhyuk puts his arm on the table and place his head in his hand, watching you eat, enjoying your presence. He is happy to see you eating well, and just happy in general to be starting off his day by spending time with you.

"[Y/N], do you want to go to an amusement park today? It's so beautiful out."

"Sure, that sounds fun!"

You put on a flowy flower dress and light makeup, pairing white converse with your outfit.

When Minhyuk sees you, he gasps at the sight of your pure beauty.

"Woah, my girlfriend looks absolutely stunning."

You blush and look at the floor. You can never get used to the compliments Minhyuk throws at you.

He takes your hand and leads you out of your house where you travel to the amusement park, happy to spend the day with him.

The first thing Minhyuk does is have you pose so he can take cute pictures of you.

You are both embarrassed but also happy to have a boyfriend who is willing to take photos of you.

He then has someone take photos of you together. After the mini photoshoot he changes his phone lockscreen to you and his homescreen of the two of you.

"You look so gorgeous [Y/N]!"

Minhyuk then proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist and kisses your forehead before asking where you want to go.

You suggest a rollercoaster, and the rollercoaster happens to be one of the more scarier ones.

A look of horror crosses his face briefly before he puts on a brave face.

"Okay, let's go conquer it!"

Minhyuk starts skipping, so in turn, you have to skip along with him. You end up not caring what others will think of you, so you enjoy the skip over to the line.

You end up in the second row of the rollercoaster, both excited and nervous.

The ride jolts and Minhyuk immediately grabs your hand. He grasps it firmly, making you laugh.

The ride goes up the hill slowly and drops really fast, making Minhyuk scream a high pitched scream.

You scream along with him, enjoying the twists and turns. Your hair whips around, blocking parts of your view but you don't mind.

When the ride finishes, Minhyuk is panting.


You look over at him, trying not to laugh.

"You can pick where we go next," you tell Minhyuk.

"How about the ferris wheel?"

You agree and the ferris wheel happens to stop at the top, where you are able to enjoy the view of the amusement park. When you're not looking, Minhyuk snaps a quick picture of you.

He smiles at it, happy that you seem to be enjoying yourself.

After you get off, you tell Minhyuk that you're hungry. You share some cheese fries and an icee, and soon enough you're both a mess. You wipe food off of Minhyuk's face with a napkin.

You spend the rest of the day going on rides and enjoying yourselves, happy to be spending the day with Minhyuk.

At the end of the day, Minhyuk tells you he wants to play a game so he can win you one of those huge bears.

He ends up winning the game on the first try and he presents you the bear.

He then makes you pose with it so he can get more cute pictures.

"We should go on the ferris wheel one last time."

Minhyuk convinces the operator to take the bear with you guys on the ferris wheel.

He takes even more pictures, as he finds the sunset a beautiful background, especially with all of the lights of the rides and games.

"How was your day, my darling?"

"It was perfect. I had so much fun today. I'm so glad I was able to spend the day with you. Thank you."

Minhyuk takes your hand and kisses it, making you giggle. He then proceeds to kiss you, his lips soft against yours.


Minhyuk is so whipped for Monbebes :p

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