Hyungwon || Aquarium

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"[Y/N]-ah! Come over here! Come look at all of these different colored fish!"

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"[Y/N]-ah! Come over here! Come look at all of these different colored fish!"

You peel yourself away from admiring the jellyfish to walk over to where your lanky boyfriend is acting like a child. He keeps cooing over the different fish and bending down to get a better look at them all. He then stands on his tip toes to find the ones he like that swam away.

You find it incredibly adorable that Hyungwon gets easily excited over the small things in life, like the different colored fish.

You look at the fish that Hyungwon points out to you and listen to him describe what they remind him of.

"That yellow fish reminds me of this sunshine of a person in my life named [Y/N]. That red fish reminds me of my love for this girl I love, named [Y/N]. That blue fish reminds of the ocean waters and the first date I went on with this girl named [Y/N]. Have I ever mentioned this beautiful girl before to you?" Hyungwon grins at you, and you can't help but laugh at what he just said.

"That was adorable that you associate the fish with me," you smile.

"Well, you are on my mind all of the time, [Y/N]. It's because I love you so much."

Hyungwon grabs your hand and you walk with him to stingray section where you are able to pet the stingrays.

"Ah, it's so smooth!" Hyungwon yelps.

"Not as smooth as your compliments," you laugh at your own joke.

Hyungwon giggles in response and continues to follow the stingray with his eyes.

You check your phone to see the time and see that it's almost time for the sea lion show.

"Hyungwonnie, it's time for the sea lion show."

"Ahhhh! I'm so excited!" Hyungwom smiles wide and grabs your hand before running off towards the section for the shows.

Hyungwon convinces you to sit in the front row with him.

"I want to see them up close and personal," he eagerly says.

"I hope we don't get splashed," you pout slightly.

"That's the fun part! It's interactive!"

The show starts and both you and Hyungwon become mesmerized by the talent of the sea lions.

"Wow," you hear Hyungwon say multiple times with clapping.

You enjoy watching him enjoy the show because his face lights up like a Christmas tree.

While you are distracted by watching Hyungwon be mesmerized, you hear a splash and something wet hit you.

"Ahhh!" You squeal.

"Ahhh! My baby!" Hyungwon hugs you close to his body, trying to protect you from more splashes.

You can't help by laugh at him trying to be manly, as he has been acting like a child the whole day.

"Are you okay? Is my jagi okay?" Hyungwon looks concerned.

"I'm okay," you laugh. "I was just caught off guard and surprised."

Hyungwon kisses you on the temple and takes hold of your hand.

"Squeeze my hand if you get scared or surprised, okay?"

"Okay jagi~" you smile, continuing to watch the rest of the show.

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