Jooheon || Proposal

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"Good morning jagi~"

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"Good morning jagi~"

You turn around to see Jooheon leaning against the door, with his arms crossed over his chest legs crossed over one another.

You woke up early because of jetlag and decided to watch the sunrise over the ocean. You sat on a chair on the balcony of your room, overlooking the beachfront.

You didn't notice that Jooheon opened the door and watched you for a couple of moments admiring the view.

You give him a smile and get up.

You hug him around the waist and look up into his eyes, smiling even wider. He smiles back, dimples forming.

Jooheon leans down and pecks you on the lips.

You two planned a trip to Jeju Island for your one year anniversary, and you couldn't be any more happy.

You were able to be with the love of your life in a beautiful and relaxing setting.

"What do you want to do today baby?"

"Mmm, I don't know," you mumble.

"We can do whatever you want," Jooheon coos.

You go put on a nice dress and some light makeup before suggesting to get breakfast.

The two of you head to the buffet that the hotel provides and you stack up a lot of food on your plate.

"You sure you can finish that, [Y/N]?" Jooheon grins.

"Is this a competition you are suggesting?" You narrow your gaze towards your boyfriend before taking a bite of the piece of French toast in your hand.

"Oh boy, I guess it is," Jooheon starts to take you seriously and the two of you stuff your faces with delicious food.

After many plates, Jooheon dips.

"Ah, I'm so stuffed. I can't believe you're still eating!"

"You're still a baby with a small stomach, I'm a grown woman with lots of space," you tease.

"I'm your baby," Jooheon does some aegyo which makes you cringe and hide behind your hands giggling.

Jooheon watches you finish eating before asking what you want to do next.

"Hm, I think I want to go sunbath."

"No swimming in the ocean with me?" Jooheon pouts and pretends to be sad.

"Aish, you told me we could do whatever I want to do!" You throw your head back, laughing.

"Fine," Jooheon sighs and walks away slouching, continuing to pretend to be sad.

You run up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.

"Aish, you big baby, we can go swimming tomorrow. Or you can just go in alone today while I watch."

"But it's not the same without my jagi. I would be sssooo lonely without you."

"Aish, fine, I'll go swimming with you," you cave in.

The two of you put on your swim suits and head out to the ocean. You splash around and Jooheon ends up picking you up and throwing you into the more deeper parts of the ocean. He runs away from you before you could drag him in.

Eventually he swims out to you and you two continue to swim around for a little while longer.

You end up getting tired and head to sunbath, where you fall asleep for awhile. Jooheon watches you sleep, smiling and admiring your beauty.

Later that night, Jooheon suggests a candlelit dinner, and you happily agree.

He takes your hand and laces his fingers through yours. He leads you to a restaurant right by the beach and pulls out the chair for you and helps you get seated. He then takes a flower from the vase on the table and breaks off part of the stem and tucks the flower behind your ear.

You smile at the actions he is doing, as he is being a total gentleman.

The waiter brings out your favorite meal and places it in front of you.

"Ah! You remembered my favorite meal!" You exclaim.

"How could I forget the favorite meal of my favorite lady?" Jooheon smiles widely, exposing his dimples that you ever so love.

You dig in and savor every moment.

After dinner, the two of you take a walk on the beach, watching and enjoying the sunset.

"It's so beautiful...the sky is so beautiful..." you murmer.

"It's almost as beauitful as you," Jooheon comments.

You look over at him and stare into his deep, dark eyes. You could get lost in them.

Then Jooheon takes both of your hands, and says, "[Y/N], I love you so much. You are an angel fallen from heaven, the rainbow after a rain shower, and the flower that sprouts after many rainy days. I can't imagine being without you, so here I stand in front you, asking you to be my wife."

He then gets down on one knee and pulls out a box from his pocket.

"[Y/F/N], will you marry me?"

You see a twinkle in his eye and nod, speechless.

He places the ring on your finger and you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. He leans down and kisses you on the lips. You deepen the kiss and your lips move in sync.

The two of you walk hand in hand back to your room, where you find rose petals on the floor and bed. There are lit candles and Jooheon starts singing Versace on the Floor by Bruno Mars.

So baby let's then down the lights
And close the door
Oooh I love that dress
But you won't need if anymore
No you won't need it no more.

You smile because he always seem to leave you speechless, and this time it's because of his perfect voice.


[A/N]: Can we talk about how good Jooheon's voice is? Honestly this song is perfect for the story. Any Bruno Mars song could be inspiration for a story lol

And how adorable Changkyun is in the photo? I am I.M biased ;) also, did you get my reference there Monbebes? 😝

ALSO, I witnessed a proposal tonight so that is why this story ended up like this ;)

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