ch-5 Shivanya in oberoi mansion

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Oberoi mansion

Shivanya comes out of car and helps Anika to sit on wheelchair and checks her phone weather there is any missed calls and messages and Shivanya's handkerchief falls and wind blows and make it fly towards dadi who was coming towards garden . While handkerchief stops near her feat and Shivanya unknowingly touches her feet and flicks here hanky to remove dust and unknowingly there eyes meet . And a small smile appears on her face.
Dadi-puttar Tera Naam kya hai (dear what is your name)and care's her hair lovingly.
S- Shivanya
D- Tu yaha(thinking she is my billu's daughter her aura speaks it ,god finally answered our prayers,only she can bind my family again)
Before dadi could ask further shivaay comes with Anika on wheelchair and gets shocked happy tears comes out of her eyes she wispered Anika puttar.
Anika- dadi ,she tries to stand
Shivanya left the place due to a call

D- yeh tujhe kya ho gya (dear what happened to you. Aur (and)Shivanya she

Shivaay - yes dadi you are thinking right but dadi she hates me
D-, kya MATLAB(what do you mean)

Shivaay narrates whole incident from stage till now.Dadi I know truth cannot be kept hidden for long but I want to make a place in her heart first. I want to fill up gap of 15 years of her last longer Fe.

Here family was busy in Arti of Ganesh ji all have completed the Arti but children like we also want to do it .Gauri and other family members left the place . Children was still there and which includes ( 12 year son of gaukara Gaurav, 8 year old son of bhavru Siddharth,14 year old preveer son Priam )
They try to hold that Arti which is hot due to burning diyas they together are able to lift the Arti but after some seconds they loose balance and were about to leave making other things on fire 🔥 but a hand holds that hot burning like diyas and others also balance it holding that hand only.
That hand belongs to non other than Shivanya,who just ended her call near the entrance saw this and rushed towards them ,she settles diya down on Arti plate and glares at them as if a big sister ready to scold .But was cutted by Priam who excitedly shouted Shivi you here , like always on time and saved all .

Here shivaay comes with Anika to enterance and saw this was Anika and the family members who were came listening to Priam's shouts.

Anika who were in delima how to cross the same line which saw this and worriedly shouted Shivanya .

Every member of Oberoi family was shocked with Anika before could speak talkitive son of preveer started signing to prianka said
Priam- mamma she is Shivanya I was talking about ,she also have blue eyes like shivaay mamu .You know I told you she is such a lucky charm always on time and saves me .You know we all were trying to do Arti like you all but it was 🔥 burning hot but she holded it and saved it from falling.She is the one who got 99.8% in boards . said it all in fast forward mode like his train was running on track leaving him behind.

Gaurav & Siddharth-hi didi
Shivanya- hello

Shivanya- Priam take a breath bro cool down you do the need to explain so much . BTW namaste aunty (joining hands).🙏
S- mamma he is Priam my besty and guitar player too .

Anika - Shivanya show your hand (worriedly)
S- mamma nothing happened
Still not showing
A- shiv
showing her hands red from heat with a little burnt marks .
S- you will be worried unnecessarly
That's why I was not showing

Priam - oh shetaan ki Nani itna toh jal Gaya ab kya PURA hath fookna tha.( Oh devil's grandmother see how much your hands are burnt now do you want to burn whole hand)
S👿😤- glaring Priam
Priam - come with me.
He takes her to a room made her wash her hands and bandaged her hand it.

In hall everyone who were holding their emotions breakdown into tears.
Gauri ,Om ,Rudy,Bhavya takes her in air tight hug at once but she winced with pain in hand Shivaay made them break the hug saying carefully she just gone through a accident.

Here Shivanya realised that she doesn't have her clothes here so needs to bring mamma's as well as hers luggage .
Here elders were blessings Anika and Janvi cared her hair and said beta you are shine of this house god bless you and hugged her .Tej also blessed her said welcome back .Prianka hugged her and before with tears in her eyes.
They both stayed in hug for some time and then departed.

Now anika was overwhelmed after seeing their love , affection ,care.
Here Shivanya comes down to ask Anika weather she needs anything else than luggage as she is going to their house.

When she said tears in anikas eyes she became worried and comes to knees and said mamma kya hua apko Kahi Dard ho Raha hai .Aap ro kyu rage ho ,main toh ab thik hu na .Batao na kya hua( are you in pain,why are you crying,I am fine , showing her bandaged hand now,tell me na)
She asked restlessly . Where Prianka answers beta your mamma meet me and we become emotional.Sorry for making your mamma cry but she is my best friend first and then your mamma said hugging Anika .

Shivanya asked anika mamma I am going home
Shivaay startled at this says what happened somebody said something to you ,you need something.
Shivanya -oh god smiling I am going to get my and mamma's essentials .
And Shivanya leaves OM.

Shivaay tells everybody about his decision of winning Shivanya's heart first and then telling about him being her father.
Children don't know anything

Pinky's reaction😱😨😧
Shivanya with Obros 😉😆😀and specially Tej 😎
Last but not least entry of new character😫😌😌😌😛😮😛

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