chapter-22 emotions 😭

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Hi friends here I am with my new update on special request by hijk2017 written this update

I hope you enjoy your reading time

Anika - with a teary gaze ,shivaay
As shivaay saw her and immediately hugged her hard and massaged her hair from other hand .

Anika- i am such a bad mother shivaay ,she faced so aahh pain ,she didn't tell me shiv..aay about that and i was busy in business .my baby faced so many things j...just.. b..because ....of ..aah
Still crying

Shivaay- anika its not your mistake completely its also mine if i had searched for truth .They wouldn't have to face the world alone.
Its me who us at fault anika its not you
Anika - no its me ,the reason of their pain crying hard again
Shivaay- sssh anika i am here ,now nothing will go wrong

Anika- no shivaay no you cannot be present the time we needed you most

Making him bend his head in regret

Shivaay - i am sorry for that jaan vry sorry

After some time anika sleeps in shivaay's embrace , shivaay also sleeps after all he had love of his life in his arms but still shivanyas words rang in his ears like a repeat telecasts.

Sso pov
I always wanted a daughter,my princess and a son, my champ .Whom will wait for me to come home so they can show him their drawings . they fight for stupid reason and then he can scold them .His son fought someone in school and his teacher complained his kidhkitode wife and his princess defend him. They broke a vase and both try to take blame on themself to protect other from scolding just like shivomru.

But every thing got spoiled because of ma's insecurities. Both of my kids hated me before ,after spending time with Shivanya ,i was able to change her thoughts about me .

But i still couldn't change shivansh's thoughts about me .

Aur anika i know she is a bit angry with me but i will woo my jaan at any cost ,i know deep inside she still loves me .

His thoughts were interrupted by sounds of whimpering
When he see around he saw shivansh whimpering in sleep.
Shivansh - nn..o nahi ,mm..amma ,ch..chaand please dont cry i will beat those bad people for you ,know one will bully you i will protect you ,cried

Shivaay who saw this had tears in his eyes ,his child is having a nightmare ,where a small brother is trying to protect his sister but failed to do so for times.

His heart was going to burst by thoughts who people of society would have treated his kids ,what they would have said to his kids ,sometimes he feels this society is heartless they mentally abused his kids .
It felt like killing each and every person who pained his family.

It felt like i failed as a husband ,i didn't trust anika ,as a father ,i couldn't protect my children from this evil world. They faced all the problems alone .

Shivaay was again pulled out from his thoughts by whimpering sound

He went towards him and tried to wake him up but it was not working so hugged him hard to his chest and rubbed his back and whispers sweet things into his ears like
I have got you champ its ok i am here i will protect you

After a while Shivansh got up and saw himself in shivaay's embrace .As he saw he pushed him hard and shivaay stumbled backwards and his back hit the wall .

Shivansh - how dare you mr oberoi ,how dare you hug me .may be Shivanya or mom accepted you but i still hate you get that mr oberoi.
May be they forgot the pain we faced but i couldn't ,i have seen people taunting us ,bullying us being fatherless ,being left by you became a curse for me and my family and that doesn't includes you or your family mr oberoi.

Do whatever you want because i hate you to the core of my heart àñd n9thing càn chañghjj3 my 5houghtß àb97t because of you our childhood became a nightmare .
Why do you want to renter in our lifes ,you weren't there when we needed you now we don't need you so leave us alone like you weren't their from past 15 years .

You know what you are a bad luck , because of kjbßbBàhyou all these accidents has happened before that we had our happy family.

Said shivansh with hatred in his voice

Shivaay couldn't bare his hatred filled words anymore he left the room .
He was running through the hospital corridor tears were running down through his blue orbs ,his eyes were red like blood .

His heart was in paining more and more as shivansh's words were ringing in his mind

His heart was beating fast

He was running out of hospital where he collided with someone





Yeah they came back from trip as tej told them every thing so they came back from trip as soon as possible.

Here they supported shivaay and what they saw both shocked and broke them
Their great wall of shivaay Singh oberoi was completely heart broken ,a crying mess they never imagined in their wildest dream that they will see their big brother like that.

They hugged Shivaay tightly,but shivaay kept crying like hell his heart crushed by shivansh's words and omru were about to ask what happened but

Suddenly shivaay clutched his chest and said am I a bad omen to all asked shivaay 😭 crying in pain
,it was getting more and more difficult for him to breath in the air and his vision blurred after passing moment.

Omru rushed him to the doctor,where
Dr told them he had a heart stroke.

On one hand shivaay was taken to the operation theatre for treatment

Before some time
Anika woke up after shivaay left as she felt uneasy and restless like something bad is going to happen .

She saw shivaay was not beside her so she went out to search him where her heart started beating loudly so she
observed her surroundings carefully where she saw shivaay being carried on a streacher to operation theatre which felt like she was getting out of breath she needed her oxygen her husband .

Then a doctor came out of OT and said the patient is very critical I am handling his case since years but never his condition was this worse .He has been taking much stress, pressure ,or emotional break down .

I need to operate him immediately or else I cannot say anything so need someone to sign the consent form of hospital as the operation is risky as patient may collapse or slip in coma during the procedure.

Omru were crying like hell after listening to doctor .
For Anika like land slipped from under her feet she just wanted shivaay to be healthy for that she was ready to do anything . She sat on hospital floor with a thud and omru hugged her immediately consoling her.

Nurse came and said please sign the form sir mam we need to start the procedure as soon as possible.

Anika - i will sign the form ,I trust my shivaay he cannot leave without seeking my forgiveness,he said he loves me ,shivanya and shivanya too much to leave them alone when I asked him to ,he still needs to spend time with kids, he said he wanted to give them beautiful memories with family and many more things .

Anika signed the form

Nurse - you are patients
Anika- I am his wife

One more person was present there who saw standing their and now was in pool of guilt.

That person was non other than

I think all my readers are smart enough to understand who it was

Is shivaay going to survive this or die or slip into coma

Will that person ever come over his guilt

I hope I didn't bore you and you enjoyed your reading time so please press the star button

Dont forget to give your precious suggestions as comments


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