ch-13 surprise

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Hi friends sorry for delay but forgive me please and I will try to update more than once in a week,again sorry .😇

There everyone was planing to give Shivanya a good surprise on Sunday so they made Priam ask Shivanya to go with him on shopping .They think they will give a good moments and memories to twins .

See guys Prianka and Ranveer had to go London due to some problems so left Priam at Oberoi mansion.bhavya had gone to her parents place with kids and Gaurav also went with them as he had visited it earlier also.

Priam - will you come for shopping with me
Shivanya- yeah why not ,but Chand will also come we will also buy some stuff.
Shivansh- why not

They left for shopping with rudy . They went to a mall .

Trio finished their Shopping after three long hours hours.

When they were going back the route Rudy was following was not of oberoi mansion but their to some other place

Where oberoi family made full arrangements for surprise .They planned it in a park where one side was covered with tree and others side swings and after crossing road a market kindn place.

Rudy brings children to the park and ask them to get down . Trio gets down is surprised to see many arrangements being done their as if their was😉 a party or family get together.

Suddenly their eyes are covered by shivanyq by shivaay and Shivansh by Anika  and quickly.whole family shouts surprise.and  twins are shocked .

Shivanya is in excitement shock and Shivansh I never thought he will use chaands soft dream of having a complete family like it. Don't worry mr Oberoi let everyone and Chand enjoy I am happy that she is happy once she 'll know your truth she would never ever see your face in her life again.

Pinky somewhere in dark planing to do something and suddenly her phone rings which shows ....

On the other side a bright smile broke on Shivanya's face.Shivanya asked you planned all this , Priam you

Priam- sorry yaar bade Mama told me to take you out I knew something has been planned but  I don't have any idea about picnic.

Shivanya- it's ok yaar

Shivaay - now no more talks today only fun .
Omkara - so let's start the games guys , everyone ready
Everyone - ready
Om- so the game is  Treasure hunt  here are the cards and dadi have kept 3 clues after that you will reach the treasure.we will make 2 teams with help of chits in a bowl . Shivanya pick one chit and that will be your team.
Shivanya- Tej sir
Om- now Priam you pick
Priam - Shivansh
Shivanya- buddy
Priam- om mamu
Shivanya -gauri Masi
Priam- Rudy mamu
Shivanya team- Tej ,shivaay ,Gauri.
Priam team - Rudy,omkara ,Shivansh

Dadi  and anika sits due to knees and foot being fractured respectively

Dadi gave them clues and teams begin to search.

Priam also gets some other clues

Shivaay - pond
Tej - I saw one near entrance
They check their when Shivanya saw a plant

Gauri- bird or statue of a bird
Shivaay- it's not natural gauri
Shivanya- it's a bonsai
They searched for bonsai but only got one near a security dog .we know both father and daughter hate dogs due to their allergy
But ego is larger than their hight
Shivanya - I'll go
She tries to take bonsai but dog saw it and he barks at her
Shivaay- princess come back ,she comes and then shivaay tell them a plan to fool the dog
Shivaay comes infront of fog and shows a food item in packet and runs from their dog follows him
In the mean while Shivanya goes to bonsai and picks it up and find one more clue under it .

and he passes packet to Gauri she pours food on ground for dog .

Shivaay comes back their with Tej and gauri
And Shivanya gives him a hi five .

They both reads the next clue and searching for it .

On other side Shivansh is the one searching all the clues and giving ideas  .

Both the teams play well and reaches for the last clue.which was same for both the teams

I have a body of silver
I sleep under the sky
I am best friend of this parks most elder person.

Both teams think about the riddle .
Both shivaay and Shivansh  asked Gardner or watchman about something.

They reached the oldest tree of the park where shivansh was about to fall due to a stone in way shivaay caught him before he falls
Shivaay- are you ok
Shivansh- you didn't worry about me
Shivaay- beta(son) please don't say like this
Shivansh- I am not your son mr oberoi neither you are my father and never will be   said rudely
Shivaay was hurt but still replaid due to ego
But it doesn't deny the fact you have my blood in your veins ,I am your father and no. One means no one can deny the fact that you are my son and Shivanya my daughter you like it or not

Before Shivansh could say something they saw someone standing there and was shocked
It was non other than Shivanya
Yes she came to call shivaay but got the biggest shock of her life .

Shivanya comes near and was in tears
Shivanya- yooou knew everything jjjjaan
Youuu lied ttto mmme jjaann.
Shivaay- princess I
Shivanya runs from their crying and Shivansh runs behind her

Shivaay tells about what happened to anika and family

After running Shivanya goes towards a road and their was a truck about to hit her but a hand caught her hand and pulls her to himself .Yes you are right it's Shivansh and he hugs her tightly they are on opposite side of road from park .
Family was about to come to them when a black van comes and spray chloroform on twins face and takes them away.

Villains ki tai tai fish
Villains gets caught
What will twins do
Will they be safe

Thanks for reading my chapter

Hope I didn't bore you
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