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Hi everyone here I am with my next update so enjoy you reading time

Both anika and shivaay got information from investigators they reached the place in next five minutes.

Anika was the one reached their first she openes the door of old house looking like a haunted house it was broken from various places ,walls and almost everything was covered with dust .Then she heard a voice Jaan open your eyes, please keep them open ma will be here in no time.She will find us as soon as possible.

Anika ran towards the room and but it was locked ,her security man came and broke the door .

The scene infront of her made her blood boil Shivanya was lieing on floor and Shivansh was crying for her to wake her up.
Anika ran towards them and took them in her embrace .

Anika- what happened to her Shivansh
Shivansh- the kidnapper jotted her head hard .

Anika - we will take her to hospital nothing will happen to her bachcha she is my strong baby right Said with tears streaming down her face

Shivansh nodded her head and they took Shivanya to car but  shivaay saw them and he came forward saying what happened to princess Shivanya wake up,open your eyes please said crying he was about to touch anika's arm she backs off and said we need to reach hospital as soon as possible my daughter needs medical attention immediately.
Saying she sat inside car and asked driver to take them to nearest hospital.
In hospital
Outside ICU
Doctor comes out after checking Shivanya.
D- I am Highly disappointed miss raizada you know her heart condition you know how important taking medicines on time for a heart patient like her , she is skipping her medicines and I think even today she has not taken .

Her mind in not in a very good state.She is under some shock ,her blood pressure is low.
Adding to problem her head has a deep injury .
I am sorry miss raizada but I cannot handle this case alone it demands special attention that too from experienced surgeon.

Shivaay who was about to approach Anika with his family stops in his track.

A- doctor don't worry mr Mittal is best surgeon in Mumbai will be here any moment .

Dr Mittal arrives and says sorry I am late due to traffic miss raizada I have been handling her case since she was born   but I will try my best .

Anika feels like she failed as a mother she couldn't protect her child from evil eyes.

shivaay comes their and said Anika

Anika- listen shivaay ,I don't have time for your truth and proof game.i am just fed up of being the easy target and proving my self .Please leave before I loose  my control.

Shivansh who went to take water for Anika comes and saw shivaay and his anger reached to the cloud nine .

Shivansh- what do what now mr oberoi .Your mother has done enough to bring my sister to this condition ,but now I won't let anybody come and harm my family .leave the hospital before i ask gaurds to show you the way out

A- his mother , means I was right .Shivansh tell me what happened . holding his shoulders

Shivansh- ma that day when I came she was the one who pushed Shivanya from the  stairs .Now those kidnappers made a vedio call to her and she told me to leave Mumbai with her and if I tell anyone about this she will kill both of you .

But those kidnappers they got the money so they planned to sell us as. Slaves .

Shivaay who listens this was shocked like hell ,mean how could someone hurt his own grandchildren . The Last slave thing made his blood boil .

But he stays in hospital ,as he wants Shivanya to be safe first

Anika- you didn't do right things mrs pinky Singh Oberoi I will not leave you .Not this time when you gave pain to my kids .no one gets away hurting my family and now you will face the wrath of The AR .

Shivansh- ma calm down stress is not good for your health doctor said right that lady is not worth it .

Nurse comes and ask Anika to sing some papers and even takes Shivansh for treating his wounds he got while fighting with kidnappers.He had painkillers due to which he became more emotional

Nurse comes out of room and Anika ask about Shivanya's so she says we cannot say anything now the wound is deep and her heart condition is not helping either.

Shivansh break down in anika's arms 😭 crying like a baby.
Shivansh- it's all my mistake ma if I would have not argued with Mr oberoi she would never run out like this after listening the truth  aahhh hiccup ma I am such a bad brother , I got her life into threat.

Anika - my baby you are not a bad brother ,you are the best brother in the while world she is your chand na.Chand gets hidden due to lunar eclipse for some time . think it as the same.i know my bachcha she is my strong fighter .she will be fine .

Shivaay feels like the most helpless creature in this whole universe at that moment he cannot even pecofy his son as he hates him to the core .

Shivansh- pakka ( are you sure) asked for innocently
Anika- yes my baby
Shivansh keeps his head on anika's shoulder and sleep .

Shivansh is sleeping .
Dr Mittal comes out of the room and Anika runs to him and ask about Shivanya

Dr .mittal - miss raizada I have done my best she is out of danger

Anika takes a breath she was holding
Dr - but till she comes in conscious we cannot say anything .
Anika- what do you mean by that

Dr- she can slip in coma if she didn't wake in  next eight hours

Both shivaay and anika's world stopped for a moment when doctor said coma

A- no. No this will not happen for cannot do this to my daughter no never.

Shivaay was still still like a statue a someone keeps hand on his shoulder.


Will Shivanya wake up in next eight hours
Will Shivansh and Anika ever forgive shivaay
What will shivika do with pinky
What will happen when family will come to know about this

Too much rude to shivaay but it's fine as he is going to pay for hurting Anika's feelings

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