chapter 1 Journey

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Guys I don't like pulling things from rubberband  to rope like many others I would like to directly move towards a crispy meet of father and daughter so if you like I would like it for next update please  advise with your comments and votes.

After 15 years

Anika lives in Raizada mansion in Delhi with Shivanya and Arnav.
Arnav and Khushi (arnav's wife)went to London due to some legal problems in his business . Shivanya gave her tenth class boards few months back. Anika is handling both SSA management company and Raizada Empire alone.

Here a e mail comes to her that dream project of Arnav needs her in Mumbai as only Arnav or her can sign and work on project because it requires great responsibility.It will definitely take 1-2 years to complete.Till Arnav comes Anika needs to be there.She loves SSO till now ,due to her fear and Shivanya (fearing pinky might hurt her)) she doesn't want to be in his life anymore.But she loves Arnav too so she decides to go Mumbai with Shivanya.

So Anika tells Shivanya that they will live in Mumbai. Shivanya gets exited as she loves new places and adventures.She is also interested in art , photography but she is brilliant students.She won Various prizes in painting, singing etc .But she has interest in business and wants to become business women like her mamma as she is her inspiration.

They packed their clothes and went to airport to catch up  flight to Mumbai.

Thanks for giving your precious time to my story hope you liked it
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