chapter 19

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Hi friends
Happy republic day to all my readers
And be a proud Indian and celebrate it with full enthusiasm where ever you are in India or anywhere around the globe.

My UT was too going on in 15 days my pratiles are approaching so updates will not be frequent but I will try to update as soon as possible.

Now let's leave my problem and come back to the story

You may have a happy reading ahead

Shivaay was worried but anika didn't take that much in notice and went towards Veer
Anika- Mr Veer pratap chauhan stay in your limits else you or your this small business will be tuned into petty dust particles under my foot .

Veer- we will see that Mrs ober ... oh sorry miss Raizada ,who will turn whom into dust and went from their.

Shivaay- anika listen I think veer is here by some plan ,we need to increase
security for very family member. Specially you And our kids worriedly

Anika- You worry about your family Mr oberoi I can manage to protect my children and my family. You need not worry in a sturn business tone

And she left the place hurriedly

Here Veer made a full proff plan to kidnap shivanya ,shivansh ,anika and oberoi family.

Shivansh and shivaay were returning from school while walking as they loved to do so.
But someone came and asked a address near the school then someone from behind pressed a cloth on their nose .

On ther side
Anika was in a hotel coming back after , closing the deal .But a waiter dropped a glass of juice on her dress
Waiter- oh I am extremely sorry man please don't complain to hotel manager plz
Anika- it's fine
She went to clean her dress ,but a lady wearing a burka( black scarf on face or hijab) came and pressed a hanky on her nose and she lost her consciousness .

All the guards at oberoi mansion were already taken care by veer's men .They released a gas in the house that made everybody unconscious for a short time. They took the family members with them to a isolated place.

Shivanya was the first one to gain consciousness as every one were unconscious tied to the chairs .
She tried to remember how they all ended up their like this .But she couldn't, only blur image came into her mind

.When she heard someone coming by footsteps. She closeed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.
Veer came and called shivaay on a
vedio call and showed him that his whole family including kids and Anika is in his hold .
Veer- ha ha ha shivaay what do said that day you are the great wall of Shivaay Singh oberoi .You have to pass through me to reach my family .

You were too proud on your family their unity love . Ha where are You I am unable to see you here .Didn't you promised tok save them .

Veer was about to touch shivanya's head
Shivaay - veer dare you touch my daughter I will destroy you

Veer - oh so much anger is not good for person like you ,who doesn't even know where his family is.

Oh but you know what Shivaay I am very generous person let me help you my men are waiting for you outsided your office in a black car sit and come with them then I will tell you what I want

After 2 minutes shivaay went from his office and sat in that car.

Veer went from their to alert and check his men to fight with shivaay.

We meet again: Fate's Reunion Where stories live. Discover now