ch-11 mystry - shivanya duo bond

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All Oberoi s are sitting in living room except Anika and Gauri who were standing outside the guest room where they saw even after not liking the haldi milk much she drank it for her Jaan.

Shivanya- my gift now
Shivansh - started laughing seeing her face
Shivanya- what
Shivansh (ansh)- see yourself .he clicks her picture and shows her.

In that picture Shivanya had a yellow mustache of haldi milk

Shivanya stands from bed as she got much energy from milk.
Shivanya- Jaan delete the pic
Ansh - no chaand I will keep it as a memory,my setup sis who almost broke her hand by running on stairs like kid of five.
Shivanya- I am not five ,she tries to take his phone but fails to do so.Due to short Height
Ansh- my small chaand , want to delete picture so catch me first. And runs outside the room .

Shivanya runs behind said or better say shouted bhai delete it or the consequences won't be nice.

Shivansh- na na na ( no no no) running shouting

They reach living room where shivanshs' bag fell and Gauri kept it on sofa.

Shivanya pics his bag and said bhai isee this and Shivansh shocked.

Shivansh- shivu bag de ( give my bag back)
Shivanya - no
he tries to catch her but she runs around the sofa.
Shivansh- ok jhagdalu billi ( fighting cat) I delete this give my bag back
Shivanya - deal twin Billu
Shivansh delete's the picture and shows her, Shivanya After giving bag somehow manages to get it again and start running.

Shivanya - laughing ok let's see my gifts hmm

Shivansh - no chaand I will show

They reach corner of a sofa and Shivanya losses her balance and falls and Shivansh starts to tickle her.

Shivanya- ha ha ha bhai bass mere pet mein Dard ho Raha hai

Shivansh- say Shivansh bhai is ..
Shivanya- Billu ha ha
Shivanya tries to get up but Shivansh continues to tickle her more but finally Anika stops them saving add Shivanya.

Shivanya stands up and hugs Anika bacha Liya mamma ne ( mamma saved me )

Shivansh hugged them both saying I missed you very much

Shivanya really bhai
Shivansh- not you jhagdalu billi i missed my ma.

Shivanya acting little upset .Shivansh saw this and said awe my Chand looks so cute when she is angry hm ,I was just joking pulling her cheeks

Shivanya little whiney as Shivansh pulled bher cheeks she hugs him and pulls his both nose and cheeks .

Shivansh-chaand and pulls her for a hug again it's ok I missed this also

Shivanya- now give me my gifts
Shivansh- ok
Shivansh took his bag in his hands and pulled out a box of white chocolated whicha he knows is his chand 's first love.A pair of earrings for anika and chocolates .Then he again put his hand inside his bag and here comes Shivany's real gift it was a latest book that related to business which was out of stock on every site where Shivanya till now searched.

Shivanya- super happy omg Jaan thank you thank you so much Jaan I wanted this book sinse it was released .
Shivanya - let's go anyone who wants to share can come shouted
Kids runs behind her

Shivanya left the place with shivansh,Priam and other kids to share the chocolates and book.

Pinky - this girls na she fell deliberately to attract everybody's attention.

Before shivaay or anybody could say anything anika interupted
Anika- bass kijiy mrs Oberoi kya Dushmani hai apki meri beti se ( enough mrs Oberoi what enimity you have with my daughter)

Pinky- you middle class girl

Shivansh- enough mrs Oberoi Don't you dare to utter one more word for my sister or ma I may cross my limits and do something against my values.

Shivaay- beta ( son) listen
Shivansh with rage don't you dare don't you dare I am not your beta( son) or anything.You can trap ma and chaand in your sweet talks but not me mr oberoi I know your truth .


Shivansh 13 years boy with blue eyes searching for his history book in study or miss kukreja might eat him raw tomorrow.

He is checking each and every book in library when a dairy came into his hands with written sirf Anika on top of it in cursive .
He thought he might get a interesting part of his life .

He flipped the pages of dairy where inbetween he got a photograph of shivaay and a family photo of Oberoi family .

Shivansh read the whole page where she wrote what happened at oberoi mansion but their was one more thing he read that mrs pinky Singh oberoi said to Anika she will know please her unborn child if she didn't leave the house the moment .
Shivansh read this and Anika came to the library and saw him reading and shivaay 's picture in his hand .

Anika - Shivansh listed it wasn't your father's fault ansh.
Shivansh- ma you are taking his side because you are still bound to his love not me .ma stop thinking him as innocent for god sake he was not a child of five the be fooled by your act even his family didnt a defend you.He could have searched you forgave you if he ever truly loved you .But that person never considered you as family but don't worry I won't let him hurt my family now .and throws the picture in the dustbin

A- beta please don't tell shivu about it
Shivansh - I promise ma I won't ,but you also swere me you won't tell Mr shivaay Singh oberoi about me or Shivanya

A- but
S- ma
A- ok I swere on you I won't tell him about you both on my own.
Shivanya shouted ma , chaand come food is getting cold.

Anika and Shivansh - coming
They his the dairy and had there dinner.

Flashback over
You could have searched for ma but you never tried .
Shivaay- beta please listen to me once,I know I did wrong but still it doesn't change the fact that I am your father.You both belongs to this family and house .

Shivansh- enough of your talks mr oberoi Shivanya consider you as friend but till the day she doesn't know your truth .The day she gets to know that day you will see the real hatred because ( main toh phir bhi apse nafrat karta hu but meri behen ka manna hai AAP hamari nafrat ke bhi kabil nahi kyoki woh bhi Dil se ki jati hai aur woh aapko Apne a Dil mein ek zaarre ki bhi gjagah dene ki taiyar nahi hai)Itill hate you but according to my sister you are not even capable of our hatred as it is also done from heart and she doesn't want to give you even a inch of her heart. And you all tell yourself as family na then why didn't you took stand for ma that day .

All look at ground in guilt as they are shamefully of their act of not trusting there family member.and are unable to answer the question of a child .

Shivaay- I will tell her in sometime
Shivansh- mr Oberoi your time is almost up I am taking my family to our new house ,its work will be completed in two days .Till then I will see what will you do to make Chand believe you and your fake love and care.

Anika- but it was going to take one week
Shivansh- I asked them to speed up so results are here

Shivanya comes their saying Jaan let's go I have made your favourite lasanga .

Shivansh - yum let's go before it gets cold

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