ch-21 worries

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Hi friends my exams are over so here i am with my update so without wasting time lets start reading

Have a happy reading 😇

In car

Shivaay is driving while shivansh us in passenger seat beside shivaay and anika is with shivanya at back seat .

Anika face filled with tears and tension
- shivanya baccha please open your eyes , while crying hiccup
ansh ask her to open her na look she is not waking  up
Why god why always my daughter gas to suffer ,she just came from deaths mouth again her  life us in danger.

Why god cannot you see us live our life peacefully why do you Punish  my innocent daughter  always without any mistake her she suffered earlier also and now again .

Said anika crying hard 

Shivaay - anika please dont cry i  that promise nothing will happen to shivanya and everything will be right

Here shivanya is brought to the hospital
while whole oberoi family stand outside the ICU then the doctor takes shivanya inside for examining her .

After some time nurse comes out and says please come with me Mr oberoi you   and your family seems to be injured, your wounds need to be treated and bandaged.

Everyone - we are all right , no   need of that  we only need our shivanya  to be fine right now

Doctor comes out of the ICU

Everyone- shivanya  kasi hai doctor.
Koi tension ki baat toh nahi
( how is shivanya now doctor is everything alright)

Dr says for now yes she is fine but  can u please come to my cabin miss anika.

Shivaay - can j come along dr
Doctor- you are patients
Shivaay- i am her father

Dr- yeah sure    mr oberoi

Inside doctors cabin

Dr please have a seat
Dr- miss anika i am highly  disappointed , do you know the heart condition of your daughter ,  i might say  she has stars on her side that's the reason even after so many shock ,without medications she survived today that too empty stomach with such a low BP.

Shivika- what

Dr you need to take care of your daughter miss anika if really wants to get healthy  because her heart is not that strong miss anika .This time i have given injection but please miss you need to make sure that this situation won't ever arrived again of else i cannot guarantee if her life can be saved or not  that time.I really think their is a family problem but please the child is important than your personal  isssues ,so keep them aside and make sure that the patient is happy and stress free. 
Shivika - ok docter feeling guilty for not taking care about her diet and medicines.

Shivika - dr can we meet her now
Dr- yeah but the given injection is high so she is sleeping  but when She wakes up she might be in its effect or have headache due to them

After coming  out they tell everyone that now they can meet her .

Everyone  enters the room and she is sleeping peacefully nurse present their said sir know she is fine please bandage you wounds or they will get infected .
Elders were sent home by much persuation by shivika

Shivansh refused to leave shivanya's side
suddenly shivanya murmurs something in sleep
And shivaay and anika stands by her side and cares her hair and said bachcha everything is fine mamma is here but it was like she was having a nightmare
she wakes up shouting PAPA and sits their breathing high taking deep breaths

We meet again: Fate's Reunion Where stories live. Discover now