S1 | Trouble in Lumpy Space

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Our heroes are at Princess Bubblegum's Mallow Tea Ceremony. She, Finn, (Y/n), Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, and Hot Dog Princess are there.

They're all bouncing on marshmallows, trying there best not to drop their teacups and tea. "Whoop! Huh?" Finn bounced as the tea bounced as well.


Lumpy Space Princess floats to the top with a jaded expression, "Whoopiiieee.." Princess Bubblegum bounces to Lumpy Space Princess' level and smiles, "Cheers, Lumpy Space Princess." The star princess smiles back as Princess Bubblegum slowly falls back down to the marshmallows.

Everyone laughs and lets out a small cheer as they enjoy their time bouncing around. "Bouncing!" Screams Jake as he laughs. "Princess, this tea party sucks in a big way! But thanks for the invite!" Exclaims Finn as he shouts over at the Bubblegum princess. "Oh, don't worry, Finn. The Mallow Tea Ceremony takes years to master." She replies.

"Princess! I think I just now mastered it!" As soon as that sentence was finished, Finn got splashed in the face by hot tea, "One more bounce," He mutters, bouncing down towards the ground, "Alright!" He hits the ground and lets out a groan, "Tea partying's hard, huh guys?" 

Eventually, Jake and (Y/n) hit the ground as they also let out a groan, "Oof! Yes!" (Y/n) spoke, holding her head. "What? No way! It's super easy!" A voice spoke. The three looked up to see Lumpy Space Princess smirking down at them, tossing her cup to one hand to another.

"Lumpy Space Princess, you big faker! You're floating, not bouncing!" Finn yelled, furrowing his brows together. The Lumpy Princess lets out a huff, "Fine. I'll prove it."

Then, her yellow Star on her forehead fades its color away as it makes her stop floating, "Huh? Ah! Oh, no!" She bounces down the marshmallows as she finally lands on the ground with her teeth sunken into Jake's leg.

"AAAAGH!" Jake cries. Lumpy Space Princess looks up at the dog, "Oh. Sorry, I bit your leg." Her words were muffled as her teeth were still on the dog's leg. "You're still biting me!!"

She pushes herself up from the ground as her gray star, turned back into a yellow star as she floats again, "Oh, my gosh. Oh, right. Sorry." Finn and (Y/n) get up from the ground and walk over to Jake. (Y/n) looks at Jake's leg and gasps, "Dude! Your leg!" Jake looks at his leg as it starts to form a big form, "This is... new. It's nothin' ominous, though. Just a bump."

"Bah, that's no bump. It's the early stage of the lumps." Lumpy Space explains, crossing her arms together. (Y/n) looks over at her and asks with a concerned voice, "Is it serious?"

"It just means he's changing into a Lumpy Space guy, on account of my bite. It's just like, um, y'know... werewolf rules?" Lumpy Space Princess than start imitating a werewolf as the two humans eye's widened. They look over at Jake, "Oh, no!"

"What? You think I'm gonna turn all lumpy like her? Get outta here." Suddenly, his arm starts to lump up, "Wha? Finn, (Y/n), I think I'm freakin' out!" He screeches, flailing his arms around, "Calm down, bud! I'll... I'll sock the lumpiness outta ya!
As Finn raised his fist, a teacup falls on the ground and shatters, "Hey, now!" Princess Bubblegum gets up from her chair and bounces down to the others, "Royal Intervention! Surely there must be an antidote to the lumps."

"Yeah. There's an antidote, but you have to go all the to Lumpy Space to get it. And Jake has to use it by sunset." Lumpy Space Princess states, "What happens if he doesn't take the antidote by sunset?" The Candy Princess inquiries, "He'll be lumpy, like, forever."

"LSP, please! Can you tell us how to reach Lumpy Space? Finn demands. "Yeah, I mean, there's a portal nearby. I can show you whenever." She answers, looking off to the side. The three adventurers chanted, "Take us now! Take us now!"

They push her as they start running. Princess Bubblegum starts to run after them, but her intestines grumble, "I should not have drunk that much tea!" She picks up her dress and starts running back to the Candy Kingdom.


The three adventurers follow behind Lumpy Space Princess as she leads them into the Candy Forest. They stop, "Don't go telling everyone about this portal or whatever. It's kind of a secret." The three look around, confused, "Where is it?" Puzzles (Y/n).

"Portal's that Frog and the mushroom," She points as the three looks down. The Frog jumps on the mushroom with a ribbit, "Password, please." She yells, "Whatevers2009!!" The Frog looks up at the Princess, "Good day, Princess. Is your father ok with you entering Lumpy Space with three.." The Frog pulls out his chest, "non-Lumpers?"

Finn whispers to her, "Just say yes! Yes, yes, yes!" She looks away and looks back at the Frog, "Yeah, whatever, fine." With that, the Frog extends its tongue to the four and sucks them into his mouth, transporting them to Lumpy Space.

The three scream as they finally arrive at Lumpy Space. They all stop when they land on a lumpy cloud. "So, where's the antidote?" Finn questions as he looks over at Lumpy Space Princess, "Hold it. First, you should check out my house. It's, like, kind of lame, but way less lame than, like, your house."

"Uh, could you skip to the part where you tell us where the antidote is?" (Y/n) rushed, looking over at her soon-to-be-lumpy friend. "It's up there at Makeout Point." She points.

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now