S1 | Memories of Boom Boom Mountain

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~~~ and italics = Flashbacks/ Recovering a Memory


Our heroes are in Marauder Village, the place known for wrestling. Two Marauders are refilling their mugs. "You guys sure you want another round of squid ink?" The Squid Bartender laughs, refilling their mugs. The two Marauders drink their mugs and then one smashes his over the other's head.

While the two begin to fight, the Head Marauder and Finn are wrestling. The Head Marauder smirks, "You're not too bad for a human boy!" Finn smirks back, "Not too bad?! I'm better than that!" He then hears the sound of crying, making him pause, "Huh?" He throws the Head Marauder out of the way and calls for his friends, "Jake! (Y/n)! Do you hear that?"

Jake is riding a bucking, half-sage, half-marauder while (Y/n) is holding a Marauder in a choke-hold. "What'd you say? Whoa!" Jake gets tossed and then kicked over to Finn. (Y/n) releases the Marauder and chucks him away to the other Marauders. She approaches them, hands on her hips, "What is it?"

"I think someone's crying." The Head Marauder jumps Finn, "Stop!" He knocks him off and hisses, "This is serious! I gotta go find out where that crying is coming from!" He begins to walk away. The Head Marauder groans and shouts, "Get back here you chickeeeen!"

Finn stops dead in his tracks and turns around, "What did you call me?" The Head Marauder chuckles, "You can't just walk away from a roughhouse!" Finn jumps on top of a table and points at them, "Hey! Listen up you cold-hearted Marauders! Someone's out there crying for help and I'm not gonna ignore that!"

"Awwww here it comes! Lay it down Finn!" (Y/n) cheer as Finn begins his lecture, "A long time ago when I was a baby, I went boom boom on a leaf. Boom! Boom! And I fell backward and sat on my own boom boom. I cried for a day. But no one came to help me. That day, I vowed to help anyone in need! No matter how small their problems are! And that's why I need to go."

Finn takes off, leaving everyone silent. The Head Marauder starts to calp to which eventually makes the others follow. Jake whispers, "He still cries when he poops."

"Jake!" (Y/n) sends him a glare, making the dog cower. (Y/n) turns to the Marauders with a smile, "Thanks for being cool guys." She turns back around and dashes off, along with Jake, "Wait up, Finn!" The two arrive near a mountain as Finn stares up. Boulders are rolling down the mountain, "It's comin' from up there!" Jake states the obvious.

"Someone must be caught in that avalanche! Let's get it on!" Finn and (Y/n) hop on Jake's back and he stretches them to the top, avoiding boulders. Jake places the two down as he stretches back to himself, "So, who's crying?" Asks (Y/n).

A voice booms, "I am." They look up to see the Mountain talking, "Whoa!" Finn and Jake exclaim while (Y/n) soothes, "Aww, what's wrong fella? You cryin' boulders?"

The Mountain sighs, "Yes, I'm sad. Having been forced to watch roughhousing men for centuries." Finn 'ohs', "Ohhhh! I see. You're feeling left out and you wanna roughhouse too! Well, I can take you on, tough guy! Come on, guys! Back me up!" He then starts punching the mountain as Jake praises him, "Yeah do it, Finn! Hit 'im with a boulder! And then hit 'im with another rock!"

The Mountain pleads, "Please! No roughhousing! It... m-makes... me... sooooo... SAD!" Boulders are launched from his eyes as (Y/n) and Jake evade them. Finn tugs his brows, "Huh? Why?"

"Because they're so rough on each other!" Finn speaks with a slight stutter, "But a smooth well-controlled r-roughhouse bolsters your guts and rejuvenates the muscle."

"No! It's raunchy and maddening! All those men and their disgusting fantastic bodies!"

"Whoa, this guy's got problems." Whispers Jake. A memory reoccurs Finn while he gasps. It was the memory where he boom boomed a leaf and no one came to help.

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