S1 | The Witch's Garden

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Today, our heroes are following behind a frog, who is carrying a crown. (Y/n) mutters, "Dudes... how long are we gonna follow this frog?" Finn just shrugs, "I just wanna see 'im put on that crown." The frog walks through the bars of a locked. The trio run towards the gate and gawk, "Wooow!"

"It looks cool in there!" Jake beams as Finn points to the lock on the gate, "Too bad we don't have the key to this." Jake laughs, turning to the two, "What're you talkin' about?" He indicates his legs, "I got two keys right here!"

Finn and (Y/n) giggle and jump on the yellow dog's back. Jake stretches over the wall of the garden, "Whoo-hoo!" Jake lands on the light green grass. The two slide off of him and looks around themselves. "Wow! Look at this place!" Exclaims (Y/n). She wonders off, gazing at the bushes of flowers... or so they seem. A puzzled look plasters her face as she approaches the bush.

The flowers were soon revealed to be donuts instead. She calls to her friend, "Jake, Finn! Are these donuts?" Jake shrugs, "They look like donuts." Finn nods slowly, "But maybe they're poisonous donuts!" Jake begins sniffing one of the donuts on the bush. Finn and (Y/n) cheer, "Yeah! Sniff it, Jake! Suck up those toxins!" Jake sniffs it thoroughly 'till he stops, "Wait a second... I don't know what poison smells like."

"Hey!" A voice interjects. The trio turns to see a Witch straining towards Finn, (Y/n), and Jake on her cane. She lifts it up, "Razzamafoo!" She switches places with them.

"What gives?!"

"You ate one of my donuts!" She says, determined to get them to slip it out of them, but the group stares at her with confusion, "No, I didn't. I just sniffed it." Her hair flies around as she shouts, "RAAAAAAGH! You're lying! The stink of magic dog lips is everywhere!" (Y/n) puts her hands up, "Holy slug, lady! Calm down!"

"Listen, Mrs. Witch."
"I never married!"

Jake sassed, "Well, I never ate your donuts." Her eyes widen, pointing the cane at the dog, "You... you're eating one right now!" Jake shakes his head in denial and speaks, mouth full, "No, I'm not!" He notices the donut he was holding and gasps very lightly, "Whoa-hoa! Hm... That's weird... I don't even remember grabbing this. My subconscious must be hungry, huh? Huh... whatever." He finishes the donut, making the Witch start freaking out.

She convulses angrily, lifting her cane once again, "MAGICUS NOMORICUS!" Jake gets blasted and a puff of smoke from around him. They cough and ask Jake, "Dude, are you ok?" He exhales, "Yeah... I think so. Just a little chilly." He notifies he is in his underwear, "WHOA!"

The witch cackles, making (Y/n) shoot her head to her, "What did she do to you?" Spat (Y/n), not leaving her eyes away from the Witch. The Witch explains, still cackling, "I stripped him of his magical powers!" Now it was Finn's turn to glare at her, "For stealing one of your billions of donuts?!"

"Yeah, it's not like I killed your husband or somethin'."

"The point is, you overreacted." (Y/n) states, pointing a finger at the Witch. Jake joins in, "And what gives?" He points to his teat, "I used to have like eight more of these things."

"The only way I'll give back your powers is if you admit your error and say you're sorry and mean it! ...'Cause I can tell the difference."

Jake throws his arms in the air, "Well, you can forget it because you're the one who's wrong!" Jake turns to his companions, "...Right?" Finn nods, "Total support, dude." The Witch convulses angrily, once again, "RRRRAAAARRRGH!!" She waves her cane, "Go-backicus-from-whence-you-came-icus!"

"Aw, now you're just makin' these up!" (Y/n) groans as they disappear from her sight. The Witch lowers her cane and turns to her donuts, caressing one of them, "Are you alright, my... my donut pretties? Heh heh... Wait a second. YOU'RE A BAGEL! LIARS! LIARS EVERYWHERE!" The bagel becomes "stripped" as her magic starts to affect around the bagel.

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