S1 | Gut Grinder

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Finn and (Y/n) were walking through some bushes, looking for Jake as they call his name. "Jake! Jake!" They come out of the bushes, "Jake?" They see Jake's viola resting on a rock, "Hmm..." Finn picks it up and starts playing it poorly.

Then suddenly, the two hear Jake yelling. "Aaah!" The yellow dog comes out of bushes covering his ears. "Aaah!" He rolls on the ground, "Bl-bl-bl-bl-bl!" He gets up and knocks the viola out of Finn's hands, "Uh! That sounded horrible, man!" He picks up his viola as Finn shrugs. "I don't know how to play."

"Exactly!" Jake then starts tuning his viola until distant screams can be heard. "Huh? Let's go!" (Y/n) yells as she and Finn begin to run while Jake says. "Oh, wait up. I gotta finish tuning my viola." While Jake was left behind, Finn and (Y/n) are running toward the Soft Village. They enter it and they see several Soft People crying. "Soft People! Why are you all in a tizzy?" (Y/n) questions as one Soft Person speaks up. "The Gut Grinder! He's back!"

"The "Gut Grinder"?" Both the human's question as the Soft Person nods. "Yes, the Gut Grinder is a gold-eating monster. In the past, the Soft People of this village enjoyed piling our gold in the center of the town and dancing wildly around it. It was awesome," He laughs, "But then, the Gut Grinder came and stole our pile of gold. So we adapted and learned how to hide our gold using a big cup. And it worked! The Gut Grinder didn't come back! But recently, and admittedly it was probably a bad idea, we took our gold out from under the cup and we put it in the center of town. Haha, 'cause--'cause we really like dancing around it! But, boy oh boy, was that a mistake. You know what happened?"

"Uhh... it came back and ate all your gold?"

"Yes, oh yes!" The Soft Person begins to cry as (Y/n) comforts him. "Aw, don't cry. My friend and I will find this monster and bring peace to this village. I swear!" The Soft Person sniffs. "Swear to what?" Finn then exclaims. "We swear to justice!" The Soft People gasp and gawk. "Whoa! They swear to justice!" Finn clears his throat and looks at the Soft People. "Ok, so, what does he look like?" An old Soft Person approaches the two and starts to explain. "Ohh, it's so scary we usually close our eyes and go wee-wee when he attacks, But..." The old Soft Person walks over to a footprint left behind, "he left this footprint," Then suddenly, Jake, who was giant-sized, storms in, "Wha--?"

Jake puts his foot in the print. "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!" At this, a Soft Person shrieks. "Look! His paw matches the footprint!" The Soft People start murmuring, terrified. "I'm so scared, I'm gonna go wee-wee!"

"Whoa, no, no-no-no-no!" Both humans say, "Calm down, everybody. This is our friend, Jake the Dog."

"Thank goodness..."
"Yeah--I almost wee-wee'd!"

"Wait, you were gonna wee-wee if I was the Gut Grinder?" Jake questions, furrowing his eyebrows together as they nod at him. "Oh, yeah! We're terrified of him." Jake then states loudly. "Then I am the Gut Grinder!" The Soft Person trembles. "I'm gonna wee-wee!" The person squirts liquid out of its armpits and spins around in a circle while Finn laughs. "That guy wee-wees weird." Jake chuckles. "I'm just kiddin', everybody. I'm not the Gut Grinder. I'm..." He shrinks back to normal size, "Jake the Dog! Woohoo!"

"Aw, he's just a cute little dog!"
"Hey, I'm not cute!"

A Soft Child runs up to Jake, smiling, "Doggy!" The child starts petting Jake, "Pet, pet, pet!" The child laughs as Jake raises a quick brow. "Huh? Oh, hehe." Jake closes his eyes, purrs, and drools as this makes Finn and (Y/n) stifle a laugh. "Pfft."


"We didn't say anything," They smirk at the dog before turning to the villagers. "People of the village of Soft People, I, Finn, and my buddies, (Y/n) and Jake, will find this monstrous monster and slay it!" The Soft People cheer as (Y/n) turns her head to Jake and calls out to him. "Come on, let's go, Jake." She notices Jake getting a belly rub and he seems to be enjoying it. "Oh... hehe, What? No!" Finn and (Y/n) walk over to him and grab him, dragging him away. "Noooo..."

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