S1 | Their Hero

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Thank you for 5k! I also want to apologize for not updating for nearly three weeks. I just wasn't motivated to write this and I was focused on writing my other books. Again, I'm sorry.


The heroes and the Swamp Giant are falling from a great height. The three are gripping onto the giant. "AAH!" The Swamp Giant screeches. "Last chance. Swamp Giant! Tell us where you hid the Mini Queen!" Finn demanded as the Giant growled. "NEVER!"

The four scream as they continue to fall. Then, squeaking is heard, "Huh?" (Y/n) raises a brow and then finds the Mini Queen. She gives her a reassuring smile. "Hi, Mini Queen!" (Y/n) then shouts to her friends. "Finn! Jake! I've got 'er!"

"Then hold my hand, dude!" Jake yells as she does so. "Whoooop!" Jake inflates, making himself and reach Finn and (Y/n)'s velocity sooner and float gently to the ground. The Swamp Giant hits the ground. (Y/n), Finn, and Jake land on the flattened giant. Jake lets his air out and deflates. "Our inflatable angel." Finn giggled while Jake and (Y/n) chuckled. They jump off the giant as Jake asked. "How's the Mini Queen?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "I dunno. Can't understand a word she says." The Mini Queen promptly writes a message on (Y/n)'s hand that says, 'THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME.' The Mini Queen shapes her antennae to look like a heart. "Aww! My pleasure, ma'am! We just like beating up evil!" (Y/n) said as she performs a 'handshake' with one of her antennae. She squeaks. "Ok... Didn't... catch any of that either."

The Mini Queen jumps on Finn and Jake's nose and then leaps away. Jake sniffs, "Mini Queen must've stepped in somethin' funky," He sniffs again, "No... it's not tiny feet I'm smelling! This way!" He sniffs the ground and follows a scent. The scent leads him to a sword, "Whoa!"

"What?" Finn and (Y/n) ask as Jake gawks at the sword in awe. "Do you guys know whose sword this is?! This is the sword of Billy!" The two humans gasp. "Billy?!" They start to grin. "This is so cool!" Finn attempts to pull out the sword. The ground cracks and makes a hole in the side of the mountain appear.

"Whoa!" The three gawk, "It's Billy's legendary crack!" They go inside and gasp as they are treated with Billy's presence. Billy sighs, "Hello." Finn holds onto (Y/n)'s shoulders in excitement, whispering to his brother and friend. "It's him! It's him!" They whisper back. "I know, I know! Be cool!"

"Yep. It's me."

Finn lets go of her shoulders and begin to bounce. "Man! (Y/n) and I are such huge nerds for you! Please take us on as hero apprentices!" Billy cocks a brow. "What for?" (Y/n) blurts, "So that we could learn to kick evil's butt...just like you!" Jake joins in too. "I wanna be the dog version of you!"

"Ahh, that'd be a waste of time."

"Heh. Yeah. I-I'm a little paunchy... but I could do some sit-ups!" Jake stuttered a bit while Billy shook his head. "No, I was talking about beating up monsters. It's as pointless as a dog chasing his own tail." Jack remarks. "Heh. See, that's where you're wrong... 'cuz watch!" He tries to catch his tail, of course to no avail, "Ah... ah..."

(Y/n) furrows her eyebrows in confusion and says, "What do you mean, "pointless?" We just saved the Mini Queen from a monster!" Billy looks at her and states. "You know where she is right now? She's probably being eaten by a different monster. She's probably dead," Finn and (Y/n) gasp, "In my youth, I was much like you two. Motivated. Headstrong. Wore a silly, little outfit. Even had a magic dog." Billy points behind him as the three avert their eyes to see a skeleton of a dog.

Jake tenses, clearly scared but yet smiling. "Heh... I'm gonna pass out..." He falls backward, only to be caught by Finn while Billy continues. "All my life, I've beaten on evil creatures," He lets out a deep sigh, "But new evil keeps popping up. Kicking their butts was a hopeless effort!" Jake stands himself back up and asks, "What other way is there?"

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