S1 | What Is Life?

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It was raining outside. Finn was playing video games on BMO while (Y/n) had her head resting on his shoulder, watching him play the game. Jake enters with a garbage bag.

"Hey, guys." He chuckles deviously, making the two look over at him with a questioning look, "What's so funny?" He continues to chuckle, "Oh, you know, just takin' this garbage bag of butter..." He grunts, picking it up, "...into the house." He chuckles once more. They go back looking at the game.

"Dude, that's not that funny." Jake throws the garbage bag at Finn and (Y/n), splattering them with butter, "EAAH!!" They shriek, making Jake burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Ohhh, butter pranked! I can't believe we didn't see that coming!" Jake wipes a tear from his eye and smirks, "Heh, yeah I'm a genius." (Y/n) stands on the couch, making sure she doesn't trip. She points her finger at Jake, "You have offended our honor, sir, and in so doing, you have awoken the pranking demon that sleeps in my pits! The demon is coming for you, mortal. It's going to prank you... so... HARD!"

Jake waves his hand, yawning, "Whatever. I'm gonna take a day-long nap." He once again yawns, and walk towards the stairs. Finn then stands up and yells, "That's right, sukkah! Go nap it up, for when you awake, the pranking demons will be upon you!" Jake had finally climbed up to his room. (Y/n) and Finn sit back down on the couch and sigh, "Aww, man! Nothing's better than throwing a bag of butter at someone!" Groans (Y/n) while wiping some of the butter off her face.

Finn sighs and begins to bang his head against the coffee table, "Gotta think! What's... a better prank... than butter?!" (Y/n) pulls him back, "Stop it dude, or you'll get a concussion." He sighs once again. (Y/n) looks back at the table and books up a book, "Hmm, answer me book! What's better than butter?!" (Y/n) says and starts turning the pages.

"A unicorn."

Page flip

"A treasure hunter!"

Page flip

"A battleship!"

Page flip

"A pie!"

Page flip

"A young girl in lo---Wait! Book, rewind!"

She turns the page back and fist bumps the air, "That's it! We'll throw never-ending pies at Jake's face forever!" They laugh evilly then high-five each other before heading outside.


Finn and (Y/n) are now in the cave fort, where they are building something and singing the Never Ending Pie Song.

"We're gonna build us a pie throwin' robot."
"That throws never-ending piii-ies."
"On Jake's ugly, faaa-ace."
"And he won't know what hit him."
"'Cause the pies are,"
"N-n-n-n-never... n-n-n-n-never."
"N-n-n-never... ending!"

After their small singing, they had finally put the pieces together. "It's never-ending pie-throwing time!" Finn pushes his finger on the button, "C'mon, dude! Turn on!" It doesn't respond. Finn grinds his teeth together and throws it, "Why isn't it working?!"

Finn inhales sharply, lowering his voice, "We'll never make a prank better than Jake's garbage bag full of butter." Suddenly, lightning strikes the machine, which soon comes alive, "Ouch!" Both Finn and (Y/n) gasp, "Holy stuff! It talked!"

They rush over to the small machine. (Y/n) picks it up and examines the machine, "Wow-cow-chow!" They exclaim. The machine greets, "Greetings, creators!"

"Oh, whoa! Hey, man!" They reply, grinning from ear to ear. The robot introduced itself, "My name is Neptr, which stands for "Never-Ending-Pie-Throwing Robot."

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now