S1 | My Three Favorite People

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This episode is originally called, "My Two Favorite People," But since you're in the story, I changed it, so anyway, enjoy!

I also want to say: I'm so sorry for not updating! I had a major writer's block and school was getting in the way, especially since my PSAT is coming soon, but as I said, hope you enjoy this


The group is outside of their homes, fighting a shark and a Science Cat. "Pussycat! Come here!" Jake demands. The Science Cat throws a potion on him that turns Jake into a butterfly, "Hey!"

The cat begins to chase Jake while he cries, "Help!" (Y/n) reassures, "Don't worry! His spells never last long." Finn and (Y/n) continue to fight them as Jake puzzles, "Who are these guys? This is a great fight!"

"Yeah! You never fought them? They come out every day at four o'clock on the dot." Finn tells while putting the shark in a choke-hold. Jake reverts back to his normal form. He falls on his bottom as he lets out a small 'oof', "I guess that's because I meet Lady Rainicorn every day at four o'clock on the dot."

It took a small minute for him to realize, "Oh shoot! I'm late!" (Y/n) sighs, pushing the Science Cat away from her, "You should stay, man. At five o'clock every day, we chop both their heads off, and they grow them back the next day."

Jake picks up an orange from an orange tree and places it in his bike, "Aw, man, that sounds awesome! I do want to stay and fight those guys, but I also want to hang out with my girlfriend." The kids whistle, "Boo!" Jake only sighs as he hops on the bike, "I should probably go. I'll see ya later, guys." He then rides off in his bike.

It took a few minutes, but Jake eventually arrived. Once he stopped his bike, he hastens to pick up the orange and his viola. "Sorry! Sorry, I'm late. Finn, (Y/n), and I were fighting this shark and Science Cat, and I lost track of time." He takes a breather while stretching his legs onto the roof. He continues, "Anyway, I'm here now, M'lady, and I have brought to you half an orange."

Jake splits the orange and feeds it to Lady Ranicorn, "Ooh! 고마워! ("Thanks!")." A beam from her horn hits a tree and turns it blue. Jake awes at the sight, "Nice! Now make that green!" He points over to the river, which soon turns green. He giggles, "Ha ha ha! Yeah, that's good." Lady Ranicorn yawns as she turns to her boyfriend.

" 자러 가야겠다. (" I may have to go to sleep.")." Jake frowns, "Sleep! But we were supposed to play viola together!" Lady apologizes and kisses his head, " 니가 늦게 왔잖아. ("It's because you came late.")."

He sighs sadly, slouching his back, "Yeah, sorry again for coming so late." She walks off, waving her small arm to Jake, " 잘 자. ("Good night.") Jake."


Jake is now riding home on a path through a forest on his bike with his viola in the basket. Shelby, the worm, pops up from the viola and greets, "Hi Jake." He glances down at the worm before looking back at the path, "Oh, hey Shelby."

"Why you looking so down in the dumps?" Shelby questions, waiting for an answer. All he got was a deflating noise, "No response, huh? Guess you're good." He goes back inside the viola until Jake shouts, "I'm so fed up, Shelby!"


"Whenever I hang out with Lady Rainicorn, I miss out on fun times with Finn and (Y/n)." Jake is using hand gestures to add emphasis, but his bike starts to swerve off the path, so he grabs it, "And then when I hang out with Finn and (Y/n), I'm missin' out on Lady Rainicorn!" He lifted his hands in the air and he crashes into a tree, "Oh!"

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