S1 | Ocean of Fear

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In the dark recesses of the mind, a disease known as fear feasts upon the souls who cannot overcome its power...

-Pat McHale


Finn, (Y/n) and Jake chase a Fire Newt to the ocean, laughing as it tries to run away from them, "Come back, thief!" Shouts Finn. The Fire Newt spews fire at them, making them stop dead in their tracks.

"Whoa!" They shriek. The Fire Newt scolds them, waving his arms around, "Stop farting and throwing water on me! It's gross and I hate it!" (Y/n) retorts back, "You can't just go around stealing boots." Jake nods, "Yeah, and you know the penalty for stealing boots. It's poots... on newts, and uh... I can't rhyme anything with water."

The three laugh until the spot the Fire Newt wading into the ocean, trying to avoid them. Finn points at the Newt, "He's getting away in that lake!" (Y/n) places her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head, "Dude, that isn't a lake, That's an ocean."

Jake stretches and heads towards the ocean, a poot following behind, barking. (Y/n) grins and laughs, "Don't leave me hanging, Jake!" She soon follows, sprinting her way into the water. Finn laughs and runs after them, "Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! ...Huh?"

The hue of the ocean and the sky changes to red in Finn's perspective. Ominous sounds flow around. Finn backs away from the water as it washes onto land, "Uhh..."

He looks up to see his friend's laughing and attacking the Newt. Jake is passing some gas on the Newt and laughing, plus punching him. (Y/n) is also laughing, throwing little water balls at the Newt, making it groan in annoyance.

(Y/n) and Jake start to chant, still laughing and smiling, "Poots in newts! Poots on newts!" The Newt cries, "No!"

"Poots on newts!"

Finn laughs and starts removing his shoes, "I'm coming, guys! I'll poot on that newt as soon as I'm barefoot. Uh..." The ocean turns a red hue again and the ominous sounds return as a wave crashes. Finn gasps and rapidly crawl away from the water.

He breathes heavily, his stomach rumbles, making it ache, "Ow! Why is my stomach going nuts?" A black smoke rises out of Finn's navel, "Ow!" The smoke forms into a face and laughs. Finn stammers, "Wh-wh-wh-Who are you?"

"I am the manifestation of your fear... fear of the ocean!" The Fear Feaster cackles. Finn squints his eyes, "What? I'm not afraid of lakes, wells, or rivers, streams, or deep wells or puddles. Why would I be afraid of--" He screams and backs away from the water.

The Fear Feaster, again, cackles, "'Cause you're a wuss." The human boy growls then barks, "I'm no wuss! I'm a hero around these parts!" The Fear Feaster just shakes his head in disapproval, "Ha! You're too scared of the ocean to ever be a true hero."

"Not true! I'm not scared of nothin'!" Finn charges towards the ocean, screaming but stops when he sees a wave crash. Finn shook his head and took deep breathes, "I shall conquer my fear."

"Yeah, right."
"No! I will. I'll conquer my fear."

"Of course you will." The Fear Feaster recedes back into Finn's navel, "and I live in a two bedroom apartment that doesn't smell like vomit," He laughs, "...Sarcasm."

The boy sighs and kicks the sand until he hears pants behind him. He turns around to see (Y/n) and Jake giggling and grinning. They approach them, out of breath. Jake blurts, grinning ear to ear, "Dude. Dude, did you see us? I was all like, womp, and then, (N/n) was all like, splash splish, and I was all like take this! Womp! Womp! And then... Hey, what's wrong, dude?"

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