S1 | City of Thieves

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(I/n) = Initals


We begin with Jake using his stretched legs to move through the Stock Woods, "You're totally slow dude, speed up them gams." Finn comes behind Jake, walking on all fours, using shovels for stilts. (Y/n), on the other hand, was practicing her water magic.

She was slowly trailing behind, using her magic wings. She stumbles a bit before regaining her composure, "Auh... I'm not used, uh... to running on all fours!" He turns to (Y/n), "How are you doing back there (N/n), doing well?" She hesitantly nodded, looking at her back, "Yeah, I think, I've been close to falling on the ground though, many times."

He gives her a reassuring smile, "You can do it." She shrugs, "Maybe." He turns back as he lets out a huff, "Oahh!" Jake snickers, "Ready to admit it's harder than it looks?" He blows a raspberry, "I'll never admit anything to you," He looks up to see Jake gone, "Hey, where'd you go?" He looks behind him to see (Y/n) gone as well.

"Where did (Y/n) go?!" What Finn doesn't know, is that Jake has shrunken down and (Y/n) is with him. Jake has his leg stretched to trip Finn's stilts. The dog and girl giggle as they watch Finn fall, "Whoa aoh oh! Umpf!"

Jake and (Y/n) walk over to him, laughing. He glares at them, but eventually joins in the laughter, "Ok, I admit, it's harder than I thought." (Y/n) helps him up as Jake praises him, "Actually, you did pretty good!" He looks over Finn's shoulder, "Woah! Hey, check it out!" Finn turns as (Y/n) looks over. They gawk, "Whoa!"

"Looks like a giant dead turtle," Remarks (Y/n) while Finn adds, "I think it's some kind of city of--"

"Thieves! It's the City of Thieves!" A Hag comes out of her camouflage and shouts at the three, making them fall on their behinds. She waves her wrinkled finger at them, "Be warned, children! All who enter the city are destined to become thieves themselves," She laughs, "Even you two."

They stand up. Finn retorts, "We wouldn't become a thief lady! We're pretty good guys." Jake nods, "Yeah, get your glasses on grandma, these kids are pure. In fact, they're about to help that little crying kid." Jake points behind him to reveal a girl bawling her eyes out. Finn and (Y/n) gasp lightly. They start moving over to her, "Oh, whoa!"

"Be warned!"
"Enough lady!"

(Y/n) kneels down at the girl's level and soothes, "Hey little girl, are you ok?" She looks up and falls back, backing away from them, "Please, don't steal anything from me!" Finn puts up his hands, "Whoa! We wouldn't do that. We're heroes."

Jake stretches his stomach to look like a face, "We want to turn your frown, all the way around." He twists the face he made on his stomach, making the girl shriek, "Ahh!" She continues to cry harder while Finn nudges the dog, "Jake!"

"I'll face the other way, but I'm gonna keep doing this." (Y/n) rolls her eyes and turns back to the girl with concern, "So, what's wrong?" The girl sniffled, wiping her eyes and staring up at (Y/n), "Oh, it was terrible. I was trying to sell my flowers out here in the desert when these two thieves came and stole my whole basket! Then ran into the city." Finn raises a brow, "The city?"

"...of Thieves!" The Hag shouts as Jake groans, "Oh, boy." She points her finger at them once again, "Heed my warning children: enter the city, and you'll come out a thief!" Finn shakes his head, taking the girl and placing her on his shoulders, "Never, we'll get this girl's flower back--"

"My name is Penny."

"We'll get Penny's flowers back, and come out of that city as pure as the driven snow. Let's go, guys!" (Y/n) replies, "Yeah! We're gonna purify that city!" And so, the heroes run off with Penny to the city.

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now