S2 | Blood Under the Skin

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"Get it, get it!" Finn shrieked as a ladybug hisses at him. He jumps with a sword. "Yah!" Jake jumps with a lion-shape shield and (Y/n) also jumps in with some ninja stars. They land on the ground and Finn raises his sword with light blasting out of it. He runs up to the ladybug and chops the ground in front of it. The ladybug climbs onto his sword.

"Get him out!" Jake cried. Finn goes outside and sends a glare at the ladybug. "Don't you ever let me catch you here again!" He puts the ladybug in the grass and goes inside. "Whoo-hoo! Ya ha ha ha!" He closes the door, which leaves him to yell out. "Agh! Ow!"

He looks at his finger to see a tinnie-tiny little splinter. "Did he get you with his poison stingers?" (Y/n) questioned, putting the stars in her backpack. "No, I got a splinter from the door." (Y/n) closes her backpack up as her and Jack walk over. "Let me see." Jake leans over. "Wow, that's a tiny splinter."

"But it hurts! I'm gonna need some..."


"...protection! Thanks, Choose Goose." Finn thanks, as he looks at the thimble on his finger. Finn, (Y/n), and Jake were at a small market as Choose Goose nodded his head. "I am Choose Goose. Come back for some juice!" He laughs as the trio take a few steps. "Man, I am so protected right now!"

The three then hear knights talking as they look over at them. "That is mighty thick. Go on, hit me!" The first Knight said as another knight hits him with a sword and it breaks in half. They clap as the Knight makes an 'ok' sign with his fingers and the other knights cheer. "Hey guys!" Finn called to them as they look.

"Check this out! Guys, hit me!" Both Jake and (Y/n) punch both his arms. "Oww! On my armor!"

"Oh." Jake punches the thimble. Finn makes an 'ok' sign with his fingers. "Click-click!" The Knights begin to laugh as one said. "That is but a thimble! This," The Knights hits his armor twice, "is real armor!" They all laugh, but Sir Slicer shows up on his horse with birds calling and flying everywhere.


"Sir Slicer!" The Knights all bow while Finn, (Y/n), and Jake were left confused. "Who is the one that bears the thimble?" Sir Slicer puzzles as (Y/n) points at her fried. "This dude." Sir Slicer looks at him and lets out a laugh. "Oh, you foolish boy. Without full body armor, you're weak! You do not look," He makes the 'ok' sign, "Click-click!" He lets out another laugh and rides on his horse away.

After he left, Finn, (Y/n), and Jake run to Choose Goose. "Choose Goose, I need more armor."

"I've got something for you--" Choose Goose holds up a metal shoe, "a metal shoe! Don't ya know you might stub your toe?" The Knights laugh at it as Finn quickly shakes his head. "Uhh, no, Choose Goose. I need...." He trails off when the goose exclaims. "Look here hun. Choose this one to protect your buns!" Choose Goose holds up armor shorts with cheeks in the back, making the Knights laugh harder. "Protect his butt! Protect his butt!"

Finn's cheeks turn red. "No, Choose Goose. I want--" He was interrupted though. "Don't be meek. What id you fall down and scrape your cheek?" The Knights continue to laugh. "Look at his butt!" The knight falls over. "Look at his butt!"

Choose Goose cackles until Finn smacks him across the face. "Choose Goose, I want the most click-click armor you have!" The goose perks up. "Ooh, have a look!" He points at the armors with his foot. Finn sees one with a skull on the front golden all around and a silver hat with a golden horseshoe on top red sleeves black over the sleeves and golden things on the side of the hat. "I'll take that!" He exclaims, eyes glowing.

Choose Goose grabs the armor. "Wonderful! I'll need a trade of equal value. I'll take the head of your dog friend!"

"Say what?"

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now