S2 | Loyalty to the King

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I just want to say I'm VERY sorry for not updating this book for 3 MONTHS. I was going through some personal stuff and I got caught up with other books, but I made myself a schedule for when I need to update books, but I do hope to be updating more in this book for a while though.


In the Ice Kingdom, Ice King is asleep as Finn, (Y/n), and Jake are unlocking the prison door to free Engagement Ring Princess. "Save me, Finn, (Y/n), and Jake." The princess says while Jake shushes her. "Shoosh." Finn gets the lock open and Jake takes her hand. "Save me, Finn, (Y/n), and Jake." Jake lets out a harsh whisper. "We are..." Finn then takes out his sword while the princess continues to repeat her words. "Save me... Finn, (Y/n), and Jake."

"Why does she keep saying that?" Jake muttered as (Y/n) replied. "I think she's traumatized, dude." Finn nods in agreement as Jake slowly nods and turns to the princess. "Don't worry, princess. We're gonna get you out of here." The four exit the castle by sliding down the castle's ice path on a sled, shouting with joy. Meanwhile, the Ice King continues to sleep but soon wakes up. "Huh eh! What was that?!" He turns on the lamp, "Darling, are you alright? I thought I heard a--" He lets out a loud gasp. He flies over to the empty prison and touches its door.

"Oh, I see what happened," He says, "She broke up with me!" He goes to the window to yell. "Well, it's your mistake, missy! This Ice King is gonna be fine!"


Ice King is slumped over his workout bench with food scattered around. He lets out a heavy sigh and moans. "Why did she leave? I put so much cool stuff in her little prison! Come on, old boy, keep it together," He pouts, "Hey, maybe she called me" He picks up a pair of slacks and pulls out a banana from its pocket. "Please, please, please! Doo-doo... doo, doo-doo, doo-doo. No new messages?!" Angrily, he throws the banana, which hits a picture of him and Engagement Ring Princess that has 'Together Forever' printed on the frame. "Raaaa!"

He then slowly walks into his bathroom, sighing again, "This is where she used to do her business. Uh, I'm so tired of looking at this face." He picks up a razor and hums away as he shaves off his beard. "Aa, hee hee, not bad! And now for some healthy exercise! Haha, I'm forgetting about that silly old breakup already!" Ice King walks through his beard remains and out of the castle.


Ice King is exercising in a park's grassy area. He finishes up and lets out a breath. "Alright, let's fly!" He jumps and spreads his arms, but he quickly falls. "Oof! You fool, you can't fly without your beard." He mopes and sits in the middle of a sandbox. "I'm gonna be alone forever."


Ice King looks up to see Slime Princess smiling at him as the king murmured. "Beautiful princess." Slime Princess continues to smile at him. "Excuse me for approaching you, sir. You just seem so approachable." She then lets out giggles while Ice King chuckles. "That's funny, usually my looks put people off." This only makes Slime Princess giggle again. Ice King, slightly confused, looks around the area before asking, "Is someone paying you to do this?" She giggles harder and waves her arms. "Tell me about yourself."

"Well, there's not much to tell, really. I'm an ice king."

"Oooh, a nice king."

Ice King lets out a small laugh. "No, no, dear you misheard me. I'm not a nice king. I'm a--" He sees Slime Princess' eyes widen, "A really nice king! And I'm single!" This causes the princess to giggle loudly. Meanwhile, Lumpy Space Princess has been spying on the two. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaims, putting down her binoculars and tosses away a headset. She takes out her cellphone and also eats some chips. "Hmm, yeah, guess what, Slime Princess is in the park, and she's, like, talking to a new nice king and he's, like, totally single," She looks through the binoculars again, "By the wall... don't tell anybody!"

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now