S1 | When Wedding Bells Thaw

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So, I'm making you have a musical instrument and it's gonna be a Ukulele!

Adventure Time has many songs with the Ukulele and I decided to make you have it, so yeah.. hope you enjoy!


Music is being played inside the Tree Fort where Jake is playing his viola, (Y/n) is strumming her ukulele and Finn is listening with a glazed expression. Jake and (Y/n) stop playing with their instruments and looks up at Finn, "Are you ok, dude?" The boy raises a brow, "Yeah, why?"

"You look bored."
"Naw, that's just how I look when I'm listening to music."

Jake grins and looks back down at his viola, "Well good because I'm about to kick it up a notch." Jake starts playing again and (Y/n) goes back to strumming her ukulele. Finn's expression slowly turns back to the same glazed face. They then hear a knock at the door.

They approach the door as (Y/n) and Finn hop on Jake. "Who do you think it is?" Quizzes (Y/n). Jake shrugs, "Could be anybody." He stretches so that Finn and (Y/n) can look out the window. Finn and (Y/n) squint their eyes, trying to solve who the figure was in front of the door.

Finn mutters to his friends, "Hmm... we can't quite make it out." Suddenly, Ice King turns his head around and screeches, "Eee!" Both humans shriek, "Ahh! It's the Ice King!"

"The Ice King?!"

Outside, The Ice King fumbles with his fingers, mumbling, "Think this is the right address," He takes out a note from his beard and skims it, "mmm is this, is this..." Then, Finn and (Y/n) burst out the door with a sword on Finn's hand and sharp icicles on (Y/n)'s hand. They kick the Ice King down, hollering, "Eiiiaah!"

Jake jogs out, cheering at the two, "Yeah! Kick his butt, dudes!" Finn and (Y/n) attack Ice King with their weapons, but the Ice King uses his ice powers to hover in the air and fire ice at them. They evade it on the nick of time while Finn shouts, being cocky.

"Eat my sword, Ice King!" He throws his sword in the air and then throws it at the Ice King who uses his ice as a shield. Finn whines, "Aww..." Ice King gives them a smug look, "You can not defeat me, children!"

"You sure about that?" The King gasps, turning around to see (Y/n) about to attack. He quickly uses his powers and aims it at her. The power attacks her and she falls, letting out a yelp. She pushes her self up and shakes her head, dusting the snow off of her.

"As I said, you two cannot defeat me!"

Finn makes his way to (Y/n) and they get in a stance. They scream, "We will, though! With a sweet kick!" They throw themselves in the air with their feet forward but punches Ice King in the face last second, "Psych!" They smirk, but their expressions didn't last long.

The Ice King snuffs them with his beard and freezes their heads then flings them on the ground. Jake continues to cheer, "Whoo, hoo hoo!" The King's hand is in a threatening position above the two humans, "Now I can kill you! Oh, wait, wait, wait, I am so stupid! Silly Billy!" He gets off of them as they push themselves up. The King grins, "I came by to tell you the good news!"

"What's the good news?"

He couldn't hold his excitement anymore and blurted out, "I'm getting married... to someone who wants to marry me!" Immediately, the trio gasp, speechless to know that the villain who steals princesses, actually got someone.

"My betrothed is right over there!" He waves to show them the Old Lady Princess, who is in a cart with some penguins, "Hi, honey!" He greets. Old Lady Princess turns around and waves back, "Hey, cool guy." Ice King sighs with content, putting his hands on his hips, "I'm a lucky guy--I didn't even have to kidnap this one! She fell in love with me the moment I slipped on her engagement ring!"

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