S1 | Dungeon

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Thank you so much for 2k! Like I said before, it means so much to see people enjoy reading my content! But like always, enjoy this update!


"Alright, guys. Hammer all these safety signs around this dungeon hole, I've gotta jet off on my swan to take care of some royal junk." Princess Bubblegum explains, caressing the swan's neck.

Finn, (Y/n), and Jake were assigned to hammer signs around the well from preventing anyone on jumping in or deciding to fight off the monsters in the dungeon. They bow, "You got it, Princess." Jake chuckles, adding, "Whatever you want, mama."

The Princess smiles at her friends and commands her swan, "Bubblegum, away!!" And with that, she flies off. Now, Finn and (Y/n) nail a sign with a sledgehammer while Jake uses his fists like hammers, "Ow. Ow. Ow."

"There. That's the last sign, guys. Now no one will go down this hole, ever. Probably a lot of dangerous, awesome stuff down this hole. I better go take a look." Finn jumps down the hole and Jake fishes him out using his arm as a fishing pole and line.

"Don't dude. For you see, that's the secret entrance to the Dungeon of the Crystal Eye!" The kid's awe, amazed at Jake's small speech, "Whoa." He continues, "Legend has it that the eye rests in the deepest chamber of this accursed dungeon. Man, we shouldn't even be talkin' about it, 'cause it's lunchtime." He holds out the picnic equipment and starts to set it up.

After the picnic was finished, (Y/n) scarfed down her (F/f) while Finn leans over the well, excitement his eyes, "The crystal eye. I wanna meet this dungeon." (Y/n) only shrugs, her words were only muffled by food, "Maybe after lunch." Finn remarks, still not leaving his eyes from the well, "Eh, I'll skip lunch. Just catch up with me when you guys are finished." Jake rolls his eyes, continuing to eat his sandwich, "Pfft. Yeah, right."


"Without the aid of my magnificent powers..." He shapes his hand into a bottle opener and opens the bottle of water, "...Huh? Huh? You'd get killed down there." Jake states, swallowing his food. (Y/n) raises a brow, "What about me..?"

"Well, you are powerful, but without your water powers or whatever, your just like Finn." (Y/n) slowly nods, taking another bite out of her food. Finn just groans, rolling his eyes, "Hey! I can do things without you, so can (Y/n)! You wanna bet I can't?"

"Nope. Come get your sandwich." Jake uses Finn's sandwich as a puppet and changes his voice, "Listen to Jake, Finn. He only wants best for--" Jake then bites Finn's sandwich. The sandwich puppet gives a shriek, muffling, "Ahh! Help me! Ahh! Come put her out of her misery, dude!"

"We are betting! I bet that I'll get that crystal eye and be back within 11 minutes." He speeds his words and jumps down the hole, "Ready set go!" (Y/n) sighs, placing her food down and grabbing her (F/c) backpack, "I better go after him. I'll be back soon, Jake. And remember, don't eat my (F/f), got?" Jake nods, taking another bite of his sandwich, "Got it, girl."

She gives him a thumbs up, walks over to the well, and jumps down. After a good few minutes, Jake mumbles, "I should go with (Y/n) and help find Finn." The sandwich puppet, though, denies, "No Jake! Stay here, with me..."

"Oh, my..." He then makes out with the sandwich.


"Dungeons! Chambers! Woah." Finn looks around to see bugbears everywhere, "Evil creatures!" He laughs as monsters chase him, "Finn!" Someone calls out his name. He turns to see (Y/n) racing over to him, fending off some monsters approaching her. A grin approaches the boy's face as he watches her rush over to him.

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now