Hey its me! Here to make your Monday a better day!
Loud thump were being emitted as you striked at a metal pole. You could barely feel the pain in your hands as you had gotten used to it.
If the metal had been anything less, such as wood, it would have splintered and cracked in half. After one final hit you step back and sat down, resting your arms on the tops of your knees.
Wiping sweat from your face, you picked up your water and opened it, being aware of someone approaching.
"If you had hit and harder that metal would have folded itself!" The familiar voice called out jokingly.
You didn't even spare a glance back as you brought the water to your lips and began drinking.
"You're very strong, and your quirk is even more so!" She called, now behind you.
You hummed in acknowledgement, bringing your bottle down.
"Well guess what, dont get to excited but your going to school!" She cheered.
"And why the hell should I care? I'm not really interested." You said emotionlessly.
"Awh, dont be like that sweet one!"
You scoffed at the awful nickname before standing up to face the hero.
"You never made me go to public school before, what are you planning?" You asked monotonous.
She smirked and spun around.
"Its not just a normal school, this school your going to is for hero's in training, plus I believe you could use some friends." She said in her normal tone.
"Your sending me to a hero school, not sure if I like it but I'll give it a chance." You said, ignoring Midnight's last sentence.
"Thats the spirit! I cant believe you're gonna go to the school I'm teaching at!" She said excitedly.
You raised a brow.
"Teaching at? Are you sure thats a good idea?" You asked.
"Eh? Why wouldnt it be?" She inquired.
"Your going to be around a bunch of prepubescent teen boys wearing probably your hero costume which is tight and sexual." You stated.
"I think I can handle that!" She laughed before leaving.
You stared at the door she left from before thinking.
'Hero school? I wonder what these people will be like?'
Your alarm went off, nearly scaring you out of your sleep as you slapped it quiet and begrudgingly got out of your bed.
You quickly found the uniform you were to wear before slipping it on.
'That reminds me, I'll have to ask Midnight how I even got into this school, I dont remember taking an enterence exam. Knowing her she probably seduced someone and recommended me.'
You went down stairs and into your kitchen, grabbing toast that was left out for you. You went out the door and began your trek to school.
Midnight had given you directions to the school, being very vague with the name. You sighed and looked down at the paper.
'Well I'm almost there, here goes my first day of not home school.'
As you walked through the front you notice that the school seemed unnecessarily big.
'I feel nothing, am I supposed to be nervous? I guess I am a bit but I really dont give a-'
"Hey!" A voice called out.
You silently debated on weather or not to ignore it or not but you had no choice when the owner of the voice stepped infront of you.
It was a guy with blonde hair.
"Sorry to bother you but I got a little lost, do you know where class 1-a is?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"What are you stupid?" You asked impassively.
He seemed shocked before You pointed down the hall to the door that had giant print on it that literally read 1-a.
"O-Oh, sorry, I'll go now" He said, running off to the class.
You went in the same direction as that was the class you had been instructed to go to.
You opened the door and quietly went to a desk and sat in it. You ignored everyone that came, staring blankly out a nearby window.
Eventually class started and a guy who looked dead inside entered the room.
Of course you knew who he was so you didnt pay much attention to introduction. Soon everyone started shuffling out of the class and you followed, not knowing what was happening.
You walked up next to a girl with a short brown bob cut and asked, "What are we doing, I wasnt paying attention."
"O-Oh, uhm we're going to see our abilities basically." She stauttered with a smile.
"I'm Uraraka, Ochaco, its nice to meet you-"
"L/n, F/n." You said in your usual tone.
She offered you a sweet smile and it struck you.'She's pure! I must protect.'

Barrier - Katsuki x Reader
FanfictionAfter an accident as a child leaves you traumatized you shut everyone out and build walls and barriers that wont allow anyone to get close to you, but what happens when anger gets the best of you? Sorry for any future cringe! I think I'm a little la...