Dont kill me pls ;-;
He had leaned forward, mouth parting. You looked at him questioningly.
"You spelt that wrong."
You looked to where he pointed at the screen and your face scrunched up.
"I would've gone back to fix it, you didn't need to point it out."
"Yes I did, because your a fucking bird-brain." He said, sitting back.
"Not true!" You defended.
"You're so stupid that you'd never succeed in life, you're lucky you have good looks, maybe someone rich will marry you."
You were about to let out another sharp retort but paused. Your eyes widened slightly.
He stared back at you.
"What? You look like a fucking fish with that face."
"You just.. Do you think I'm good looking?"
Suddenly he tensed and a light pink dusted his face.
"What! No way, you fucking hideous!" He yelled.
"But you just said, I have good looks." You quoted.
"Whatever! Just get back to work!"
You shrugged and turned back around, beginning to type. You paused briefly before speaking up again.
"Well, if its anything, you are also good looking." You could feel a slight heat on your face and began to type again.
You thought you could hear him mutter something along the lines of 'of course im good looking' but other than that you couldn't hear him.
You only needed to do one more slide on the power point when the door to Bakugou's room swung open.
"You are staying for dinner right? I would love to serve you!" Mitsuki asked kindly.
"O-Oh, uh su-"
"No way!" Katsuki cut off.
"You brat! Let the girl obviously wants to stay! Dont worry dear, I'll make you some! I'll call up to you guys when its done!" She spoke before quickly leaving.
You stared in confusion, looking from the closed door to the blonde.
He sighed loudly and laid on his back.
"Shut up."
You didn't like how his tone sounded. Picking up a textbook you smacked it down onto his stomach.
You heard a goan, then watched as he sat up.
"You bitch!"
"Oh shut up, if all you're gonna do is be ungrateful for my work then you can do it, but if not, then stop being such an ass."
"The fuck did you just say?"
You sneered slightly, "You heard me."
Within seconds he had leapt at you aggressivly and tried to pin you as you squirmed away and pinched his nose.
He pulled roughly on your arm, making it ache and you flicked his temple. In retaliation, your cheek was pulled, making your eye instictivly tear up as you push his chin up harshly.
Suddenly a voice cut through the air.
"The food is ready."
You took his brief pause and escaped, rushing out the door and down the stairs. You saw Mistuki at the bottom.
"Before you could call out a greeting or thanks if any kind your back was barrled into from behind and you stumbled off the last step and onto your stomach as the full weight of Cactus boy was forced onto you.
You wheezed out the air that had previously been in your lungs and felt yourself delfate.
There was then a loud smack.
"Katsuki! Get off her!"

Barrier - Katsuki x Reader
FanfictionAfter an accident as a child leaves you traumatized you shut everyone out and build walls and barriers that wont allow anyone to get close to you, but what happens when anger gets the best of you? Sorry for any future cringe! I think I'm a little la...