Chapter 16- Trip

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Some events not true to original story line. Also sorry this took so long, I'm getting ready for exams so there may be a bit of an absence from me.-

His face pulled bag into a what the hell look on it.

"Its nothing personal I hope, its just that Uraraka was talking about being in love and I'm not sure if I actually know what it is."

"Your stupider than I thought."

You whirled on him.

"What was that? I'm not stupid! I just lack a few emotions, or so I was told."

He scoffed, "Then why don't you just look it up, why should I have to explain it."

You shrugged before hearing the chime of the bell, signalling classes were going to start again soon.

"You don't have to explain it, I doubt someone like you actually knows what love is." You finished off before going to enter the school and go to class.

"Well that was pointless"

You finished your thoughts as you entered the classroom, sitting in your desk and forgetting to pay attention to the lesson.

The next day you packed your bag, the class was taking a small trip to a training facility operated by a hero agency that made an offer to host a short lesson for the class.

It would take one day but they gave an extra day so you could look around the city a bit as a sort of relax day.

"This is probably going to be one hell of a 'lesson'."

You finished up before leaving your house and heading to the school. Once You got there you joined Ochaco by the bus, where other students from the class were waiting as well.

She striked up a small conversation about what she thought was going to happen and other things. Eventually everyone came and began bording the bus.

You sat by the window with Ochaco at your side, Iida and Izuku where in the seats across from you two. You put an earbud in the ear facing away from Ochaco so you could hear if she called you for anything.

You listened to the music and watched the scenery flash by. After a few hours the noise level in the bus quieted down and you felt your bob haired friend beginning to fall asleep onto you.

You looked through the small space between the seats and saw that Iida and Izuku were beginning to doze too. You faced forward again, looking back out the window.

A few moments passed before something flew over the seat infront of you, hit your head and fell in your lap. You looked down to see a waded up paper.

"Who ever threw that is getting smacked!"

You stood up quickly and smacked the person as hard as you could, making them let out a shout of surprise.

"Why am I not surprised Bakugou.."

Ochaco woke up as soon as you had stood and Bakugou's loud shout had woken others up.

You saw his body shake a bit before whirling around in anger.

"The hell was that for!"

"Maybe you shouldn't throw things." You retorted calmly, trying desperatly to keep your cool, clutching the top seat roughly.

You heard a few classmates laugh having witnessed the whole situation. You decided to sit down again, leaving the angry cactus to seeth.

"Wow Y/n, your brave, I would never try hitting Kacchan." Izuku spoke nervously

"Well the cactus deserved it."

Izuku paused.


"Yea, cactus, because he's a prick." You said loud enough for Bakugou to hear.

"Say that to my face, loser!"

You just rolled your eyes before settling in your seat again to look out the window.

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