Chapter 14- Window

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Cold hands brushed repeatedly through your hair. Bangs under your dark eyes with blotches of pink.

"Out of all the times it had to come back today."

You hunched over and slid your hands over your eyes trying to calm down. You forced yourself up despite your overwhelming feeling of grief.

There had been a storm last night. With it brought the dreaded memories from your past.

You finished getting ready and opened your front door. You remained silent as you watched rain steadily fall, seemingly endless.

You slid your hand against the door frame, before resting your head against it with a weary sigh.

"I think I'm just gonna stay home today."



The whole day you laid in your bed, reminiscing sad old memories, even long after the rain had stopped.

"What would my life be like if that had never happened?"

"Would I still be as physically built?"


"I cant believe I actually killed people."


"Will I ever be able to get past-"


You bolted up quickly, twisting around, your senses on edge. You spotted a rock on the floor surrounded by glass.

Your eyes immediately shot to your window. There was a jagged opening where the rock had crashed through. You got up and curiously looked out your window.

You could feel your temper rise at the person you saw. You slid your window open as fast as you could before leaning over the edge to shout down.

"Ba-Bakugou! What the hell! You broke my fucking window you piece of crap!"

"So what? Screw your window!" He yelled up at you.

"How the fuck did you even find my house, are you a stalker?"

"Fucking hell, no! Where were you?"

"Thats none of your damn business, why would you care anyway?"

"Aizawa forced me to bring you work but you just reminded me I dont give a fuck." He snorted, turning around and beginning to leave.

"You ass, come back here!" You yelled.

He ignored you and kept walking. You got ready to yell again, leaning forward, unfortunately you leaned a little to far and slipped.

You left out a small yell of surprise before hitting the ground. Luckily you were fine. You slowly sat up and heaved in the breath that was taken from you.

You looked around and saw that the ashen blonde had stopped and was looking back at you.

"What are you looking at?" You asked angrily.

"You fell from a fucking window and your acting like nothing happened! The hell is wrong with you?" He remarked.

You held your arm out and tapped on your skin.

"I have armor made of light. Its always been here, dumbass."

"How was I supposed to know that!"

"You would know that if you actually paid attention when other people talk!"

Bakugou let out a growl before throwing a book at you.

"There's you damn work, now I'm leaving." He said before turning and walking away.

"Good riddance!" You called after him.

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