Chapter 15- Interest

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"So, at least you dont have to worry about late work." Ochaco smiled.

"Yea, but I would rather you bring it than Bakugou, he's a real pain." You grumbled.

Ochaco laughed, "Oh y/n! I bet your only saying that because you like him."

You looked at her in confusion.



"I mean.. I guess his personality is likable for some people, but I personally wouldn't be friends with him under normal circumstances"

Ochaco gasped, "Y/n I didn't mean like, like that, I meant like as in love!"

You were silent for a bit.

"Love? I don't believe I've felt that in a long time."

"Don't worry y/n, I'll hook you guys up!" She fake cried before gasping again, "we can even ask Deku about what he likes!"

"Uraraka, I'm not sure about-"

She silenced you with her finger shaking her head.

"This is going to happen! No complaining!"

"But I don't-"

"Everyone sit down amd shut up class is starting." Aizawa said in a blank voice.

As Ochaco went to sit down you couldnt held thinking, "Sense when did she start trying to be Cupid? And why Bakugou and me, we have literally no similarities."

You crossed your arms and pretended to listen to what the teacher was saying. Your foot tapped as you entered deep thought, aka began to day dream.



"Woah, really?" Izuku asked in shock.

Iida looked slightly less shocked.

"Now wait a minute, Uraraka, you cant go around telling people your gonna try hooking me up with Mr. Hedgehog-Head when I just learned what the word love is. Literally." You said, annoyance slightly seeping into your usually blank voice.

"Y/n lighten up! Besides it'll be fun!" She cheerfully spoke.

You let a slight frown set itself on your lips as you stabbed your chopsticks into your rice, standing up abruptly.

"Sorry, no offense to you, I just suddenly lost my appetite." You muttered before walking away.

You exited the lunchroom and went down to go outside. You took a small stroll around the exterior of the school, your second time around your eyes narrowed as a familiar figure came into view.

You stepped infront of said figure and looked at him with a slight glare.

"The hell are you doing here?" You harshly spoke.

"The fuck. I can come out here if I want, the hell are you doing out here?" He growled back.

You just huffed and continued walking, ignoring his questions and going to make another walk around the school.

It was quiet before you heard footsteps following you. You looked back slightly and saw him following you. You made no effort to stop him, continuing your peaceful stroll.

It continued to be quiet before you heard him huff.

"This is stupid."

"If it's stupid then why are you still here?" You retorted.

He offered no reply, only turning his head away to glare around at things. You allowed it to stay silent looking forward as you walked. You then remembered what Uraraka told you.

"Well I don't feel like I love him. But I wonder, what does he feel?"

"Hey Bakugou."

He hummed in response.

"Have you ever felt love for someone?" You asked bluntly.

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