Chapter 22- Festival

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After you finished your drinks you both walked back to the building you were staying at.

You let out a soft sigh.

"To bad we couldn't have a longer break."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter." Katsuki muttered.

"Well I guess in some sense it does, but your right, it doesn't really matter."

"Of course I'm fucking right, I always am."

You let out a snort, nearly laughing but you slapped your hand over your mouth to prevent it.

You calmed down before clearing your throat and speaking up.

"I doubt that, you've been wrong a lot."

He visibly stiffened but kept walking.

"Just shut up." He huffed.

























"Ahh! I think I've had enough of car trips for a while!" Ochaco yawned, stretching.

"Well it was fun but I should head home before Midnight tries to come get me." You said in your usual, emotionless tone.

"Okay then, see ya!" She called as you began to leave.

You gave a small wave before vanishing around a corner and continuing your walk home.

Once you got there you flopped down on your bed and sighed.

"I hear the sports festival is coming up." Midnight spoke up.

You hummed in response.

"I don't think that you should participate, I mean you have a knack for forgetting to hold back."

You looked up at her with narrowed eyes.

"Also there will be loud noises, it can trigger your-"

"I'll decide what I do. If I want to partake then I will, so don't try making this decision for me." You said dryly as you sat up.

"Fine, do what you want, but if something happens-"

"Nothing will."

"If something happens, don't say I didn't warn you." She finished before stepping away.

You listened as her footsteps faded before laying back down.

"Nothing will...."


"To make it fair you will wear-"

You were zoning out as Aizawa went over things for the sports festival. You weren't listening as you probably should have been but eh.

"If I do the festival I might end up fighting someone, there's a few people I dont want to but any loud bangs during that fight and I could end up killing someone, accidentally of course."

Your eyes drifted to look at Ochaco, she was listening to everything the teacher said with a confident look on her face.

"Heaven forbid I have to fight her. I would never forgive myself for hurting her. Same with Izuku. They're both just so innocent and pure. Maybe I shouldn't participate..."

"Hey Y/n, what are you doing over the weekend, the sports festival is next week so I bet your gonna train." Uraraka spoke up after approaching you.

"Well not exactly. I was going to just sit somewhere and think I guess." You muttered.

"Think? About what?"

"Nothing special. Its just an important day to remember things on." You said, looking away from her.

"I don't get it but ok."

"Of course you don't get it. No one does. After all, they don't need to remember the anniversary of their parents deaths."

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