Chapter 57 - Wake Up

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Are y'all ready for the beginning of this feels trip? Also, sorry in advance.

It was the day of practice hero work, you had chosen partners earlier that month and weren't allowed to change them. You sat on the train, hands placed on your thighs as a feeling of anxiety crept over you.

You sat with the case of your hero costume behind your legs, and next to you was a silent Bakugou. He hadn't talked to you before the trip or even now.

There were a few instances were you felt his gaze on you but you didn't dare meet it. The excruciating train ride ended shortly after that and you quickly stood with your case and exited the train.

He followed after you and it continued to be silent as you walked up to the building with a pro hero inside of it.

Katsuki held the door for you but that was all, still no talking or even a meeting of eyes.

"Welcome! I'm so glad both of you could make it!" A friendly voice called out.

Katsuki had been adamant not to go to Best Jeanist's work, you didn't know why but didn't argue, instead you chose a bit of a lesser known hero but still a good one.

The man had long black hair that was in a ponytail and he wore an interesting hero suit.

"You guys don't have anything to do for today, but tomorrow will be full of activity, there are two room upstairs that have been prepared for you both, also dinner will be brought to you so rest up for tomorrows work."

You both nodded and went to the elevator, looking at the small paper you were given, you pressed the button the rooms were on.

The rooms were at the end of the long hall, and expectedly, you were going to be neighbors. Opening the door, you stepped into your room, not even bothering to try talking to your partner.

You set your things down in the proper places and decided to take a shower. The room was average size and the bathroom wasn't anything special, you cleaned up quickly and layed in the bed, wearing an oversized shirt and comfortable short-shorts.

There was a knock on your door and you sat up.


"I have your food." An unfamiliar voice spoke through the door.

"Oh, ok, come in."

A sweet looking woman with white hair entered, setting the tray of food on the bedside table.

"Enjoy" she said before leaving.

You picked up a fork and scooped up (choose food) and put it in your mouth, letting the savory taste wash over your tounge.

It instantly lifted your mood by a lot and you quickly gobbled down the rest, also finishing the glass of water you had been given. Setting the empty dishes aside, you laid back in the bed and sighed in satisfaction.

It wasn't long before you drifted off to sleep.


Gentle fingers brushed over your cheek and cupped your jaw line. The warmth of each leaving a tingling trail on your skin.

Your heart beat steadily as another hand grazed your semi-exposed hip before pressing on the skin lightly to lift the edge of your shirt.

The room was dark and your e/c eyes could only pick up the faintest outline of another person. Even in the dark, partially blinded, you still knew who it was.

So you allowed the comforting hands to trail up your sides and behind you to hold your back, pulling you into the warmth of their own body.

The dull scent of caramel washed over you and your skin felt as if it were on fire as one hand trailed up, behind your head, pressing your face into a stiff shoulder.

The other hand traveled down, lightly trailing the hem of your shorts to the front before slipping just barely past the top and drawing circles on your inner hip.

There was a hot breath on your ear as they laid their head lightly against your own, their thumb stroking the nape of your neck sending shivers up and down your spine.

"Wake up! Its time to get the day started!" The familiar voice of the pro hero echoed as you shuffled awake.

You tiredly slid out of bed and but on your hero suit.

"Alright, lets make today better than yesterday." You yawned.

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