Chapter 11- Win

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It was very quick. One moment he was about to explode your face, the next you had tripped him and smashed his face into the ground.

It was mostly thanks to your body shield that you were even able to keep fighting. You used your quirk to your advantage and forced him to stay on the ground.

"There, now we know who's superior." You grunted.

You got up and backed away. Watching him with careful eyes.

"No way! I didn't loose!" He yelled.

"Oh please, if I hadn't gotten up I couldve kept you pinned there for hours." You scoffed.

"Shut the hell up! If you weren't such a Mary sue I would've crushed you!"

Irked, you marched up to him and pinched his ear.

"I'm not a fucking Mary sue, you got that dumbass?" You hissed as he gripped your wrist, trying to pry it off.

You let go, stepping back with a sigh.

"If you really want to beat me then train with me, at least you'll get a little better than the pitiful excuse of fist throwing that you call fighting." You spoke.

"No way! I dont want your damn help!" He snapped.

"I'm not helping you dumbass! Did You not here me I said train with me not that I would train you." You snapped back.

You wouldnt admit it but you wanted him to for your own benefit, if you could train with him you could learn his moves and make efforts to be better than him.

"Dont answer now, I'm going home, if you really want to beat me than you'll train with me here tomorrowb if not, than I think I'll know that you gave up."

You didnt bother seeing his reaction picking up your bag and walking away.


"Yay! Celebratory dinner!" Midnight cheered.

You deadpanned, "Why?"

"You won the fight! I'm so proud of you!" She gushed.

You rolled your eyes before going up to your room.

"Do what you want, call me when the foods done."

You went to your room and took out paper. In English, Present Mic was making half the class write peoms and the other class make short competative arguments.

It didnt really make much sense but you still went with it, you had been the half that had to write a poem. You had never truely written a poem before so this would be new.

You thought for a moment before putting your own down and beginning to write in the neatest hand writing you had.


The next day as you watched Mic go up to the front of the class you nearly panicked when he said.

"Alright! Find a partner that has the opposite choice as you had and critic each other! What could be better? What was good? And most importantly, was is COOOOL!"

'Oh hell no!'

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