Chapter 26 - Well?

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It was the day of the sports festival, as it turns out you decided to join in with your class and actually do the sports festival.

You sat with them in the waiting room area, wearing the basic U.A. workout uniform. You were totally zoning out and not paying attention to anyone or thing when something(one), smacked you on the back of your head.

"Ow, what the hell?" You whined irratibly and looked at the person.

Bakugou was glaring down at you with his red eyes. You glared back.

"The hell was that for?" You grumbled.

"You looked like an idiot so I decided to smack some sense into you." He replied.

"Oh wow how nice of you." You said mockingly.

He grumbled a bit before walking away. It wasn't long before the festival started.

(Timeskip sorry of you dont like themmmm)

The first two events had been a piece of cake, you had gotten 8th on the running and your chivalry had managed enough points to stay in the game.

You were to be up to fight soon, going against Ochaco.

"How unfortunate. I guess I'll go a little easy on her."

You stayed in your seat until the current match ended then got up to get ready to fight.

Walking out onto the platform you faced Uraraka with a straight face.

"I'm not going easy on you Y/n!" She called, "So dont go easy on me!"

You cocked a brow, "Are you sure?"

She nodded with a small grin. You let out a weary sigh.

"As you wish." You lifted your palm to the sky and let out a blast of light.

It was big and bright, you did it purposely for her to be blinded. It worked.

She shielded her eyes and you rushed forward and kicked her in the gut, sending her over the edge of the platform.

"Uraraka is out of bounds! L/n proceeds to the next round!" Midnight called loudly.

"That was fast."

You jumped down and helped Ochaco up, walking with her back into the arena wall.

"Wow Y/n, I guess I wasnt really a match for you." She sighed.

"No, but you'll get better, dont look so down." You replied.

You looked at the roster and saw who you were fighting next.


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